OCaml Changelog


Read the latest releases and updates from the OCaml ecosystem.

Dune 2.1.3

See full changelog
  • Fix building the OCaml compiler with Dune (#3038, fixes #2974, @diml)

We are pleased to announce the minor release of opam 2.0.6.

As sandbox scripts have been updated, don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to update yours.

Note: To homogenise macOS name on system detection, we decided to keep macos, and convert darwin to macos in opam. For the moment, to not break jobs & CIs, we keep uploading darwin & macos binaries, but from the 2.1.0 release, only macos ones will be kept.

Installation instructions (unchanged):

  1. From binaries: run

    bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh) --version 2.0.6"

    or download manually from the Github "Releases" page to your PATH. In this case, don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to enable sandboxing if you had version 2.0.0~rc manually installed or to update you sandbox script.

  2. From source, using opam:

    opam update; opam install opam-devel

    (then copy the opam binary to your PATH as explained, and don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to enable sandboxing if you had version 2.0.0~rc manually installed or to update you sandbox script)

  3. From source, manually: see the instructions in the README.

We hope you enjoy this new minor version, and remain open to bug reports and suggestions.

NOTE: this article is cross-posted on opam.ocaml.org and ocamlpro.com. Please head to the latter for the comments!

Dune 2.1.2

See full changelog
  • Fix a bug in the Fiber.finalize function of the concurrency monad of Dune, causing a race condition at the user level (#3009, fix #2958, @diml)

Dune 2.1.1

See full changelog
  • Attach cinaps stanza actions to both @runtest and @cinaps aliases (#2831, @NathanReb)

  • Add variables %{lib-private...} and %{libexec-private...} for finding build paths of files in public and private libraries within the same project. (#2901, @snowleopard)

  • Add --mandir option to $ dune install. This option allows to override the installation directory for man pages. (#2915, fixes #2670, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix dune --version. The bootstrap didn't compute the version correctly. (#2929, fixes #2911, @diml)

  • Do not open the log file in dune clean. (#2965, fixes #2964 and #2921, @diml)

  • Support passing two arguments to =, <>, ... operators in package dependencies so that we can have things such as (<> :os win32) (#2965, @diml)

  • Guess foreign archives & native archives for libraries defined using the META format. (#2994, @rgrinberg, @anmonteiro)

  • Fix generation of .merlin files when depending on local libraries with more than one source directory. (#2983, @rgrinberg)

Dune 2.0.1

See full changelog
  • Delay errors raised by invalid dune-package files. The error is now raised only if the invalid package is treated as a library and used to build something. (#2972, @rgrinberg)
See full changelog
  • git related fixes:
    • github remote detection
    • not a git repository error
  • New option --packages-directory to indicate where package descriptions are stored

Mdx 1.5.0

See full changelog


  • Add a --output/-o option to the test subcommand to allow specifying a different output file to write the corrected to, or to write it to the standard output (#194, @NathanReb)
  • Migrate to OCaml 4.08 AST to add support for let* bindings (#190, @gpetiot)
  • Add --syntax option to rule subcommand to allow generating rules for cram tests (#177, @craigfe)
  • Add a require-package label to explicitly declare dune package dependencies of a code block (#149, @Julow)
  • Add an unset- label to unset env variables in shell blocks (#132, @clecat)


  • Format rules generated by ocaml-mdx rule using dune format-dune-file (#184, @NathanReb)
  • Run promotion of markdown files before .ml files in generated dune rules (#140, @clecat)


  • Use module_presence information on Env.summary to prevent fetching absent modules from the toplevel env (#186, @clecat)
  • Remove trailing whitespaces at the end of toplevel or bash evaluation lines (#166, @clecat)
  • Improve error reporting of ocaml-mdx test (#172, @Julow)
  • Rule: Pass the --section option to test (#176, @Julow)
  • Remove trailing whitespaces from shell outputs and toplevel evals (#166, @clecat)
  • Remove inappropriate empty lines in generated dune rules (#163, @Julow)
  • Fix ignored skip label in ocaml-mdx pp (#1561, @CraigFe)
  • Fix synchronization of new parts from markdown to .ml (#156, @Julow)
  • Fix ignored [@@@parts ...] markers within module definitions (#155, @Julow)
  • Fix a bug in internal OCaml version comparison that lead to crashes in some cases (#145, @gpetiot)
  • Promote to empty .ml file when using to-ml direction (#139, @clecat)
  • Apply --force-output to .ml file as well (#137, @clecat)
  • Fix a bug preventing .corrected files to be written in some cases (#136, @clecat)
  • Add compatibility with 4.09.0 (#133, @xclerc)


  • Remove the output subcommand as it was very specific to RealWorldOCaml needs (#195, @NathanReb)
  • Remove the infer-timestamp direction (#171 @Julow)
See full changelog
  • backend
    • support OCaml 4.09 (#1055)
    • fix parse errors in 4.08 (#1037)
    • update 4.08 support to OCaml 4.08.1 (#1053)
    • support without_cmis
    • separate reading from caching in file-cache, use caching in Env.check_state_consistency (#1044)
    • simplify compiler state management (#1056, #1059)
    • fix creation of initial environment, improve compatibility with upstream 4.08 (#1052)
  • frontend
    • code re-organization (#1042)
    • error command: select which kind of errors to show (#995)
    • print value types in outline (#1014)
    • fix process handling in windows (#1005)
  • editor modes
    • emacs
      • bugfixes in merlin-imenu, merlin-xref (#1000, #1021, #1001)
      • show types in merlin-imenu (#1013)
      • reset buffer local configurations when resetting server (#1004)
      • remove merlin-use-tuareg-imenu
      • fix stack overflow (#1024)
      • fix merlin-occurrence (#1043)
    • vim
      • display warn-error warnings as errors (#1009)
  • testsuite
    • cover file-cache and check_state_consistency (#1044)
    • check inconsistent assumptions, test server versus single modes (#1047)

Dune 2.0.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm delighted to announce the release of dune 2.0. This release is the culmination of 4 months of hard work by the dune team and contains new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements . Here's a selection of new features that I personally find interesting:

  • New boostrap procedure that works in low memory environments
  • (deprecated_library_name ..) stanza to properly deprecate old library names
  • (foreign_library ..) stanza to define C/C++ libraries.
  • C stubs directly in OCaml executables

Refer to the change log for an exhaustive list.

We strive for a good out of the box experience that requires no configuration, so we've also tweaked a few defaults. In particular, $ dune build will now build @all instead of @install, and ocamlformat rules are setup by default.

Lastly, dune 2.0 sheds all the legacy related to jbuilder and will no longer build jbuilder projects. This change is necessary to ease maintenance and make it easier to add new features down the line. There are a few other minor breaking changes. Refer to the change log for the full list. We apologize in advance for any convenience this might cause.

Happy Hacking!

See full changelog
  • Remove existing destination files in install before installing the new ones. (#2885, fixes #2883, @bschommer)

  • The action field in the alias stanza is not available starting lang dune 2.0. The alias field in the rule stanza is a replacement. (#2846, fixes 2681, @rgrinberg)

  • Introduce alias and package fields to the rule stanza. This is the preferred way of attaching rules to aliases. (#2744, @rgrinberg)

  • Add field (optional) for executable stanzas (#2463, fixes #2433, @bobot)

  • Infer targets for rule stanzas expressed in long form (#2494, fixes #2469, @NathanReb)

  • Indicate the progress of the initial file tree loading (#2459, fixes #2374, @bobot)

  • Build .cm[ox] files for executables more eagerly. This speeds up builds at the cost of building unnecessary artifacts in some cases. Some of these extra artifacts can fail to built, so this is a breaking change. (#2268, @rgrinberg)

  • Do not put the <package>.install files in the source tree unless -p or --promote-install-files is passed on the command line (#2329, @jeremiedimino)

  • Compilation units of user defined executables are now mangled by default. This is done to prevent the accidental collision with library dependencies of the executable. (#2364, fixes #2292, @rgrinberg)

  • Enable (explicit_js_mode) by default. (#1941, @nojb)

  • Add an option to clear the console in-between builds with --terminal-persistence=clear-on-rebuild

  • Stop symlinking object files to main directory for stanzas defined jbuild files (#2440, @rgrinberg)

  • Library names are now validated in a strict fashion. Previously, invalid names would be allowed for unwrapped libraries (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • mli only modules must now be explicitly declared. This was previously a warning and is now an error. (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • Modules filtered out from the module list via the Ordered Set Language must now be actual modules. (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • Actions which introduce targets where new targets are forbidden (e.g. preprocessing) are now an error instead of a warning. (#2442, @rgrinberg)

  • No longer install a jbuilder binary. (#2441, @jeremiedimino)

  • Stub names are no longer allowed relative paths. This was previously a warning and is now an error (#2443, @rgrinberg).

  • Define (paths ...) fields in (context ...) definitions in order to set or extend any PATH-like variable in the context environment. (#2426, @nojb)

  • The diff action will always normalize newlines before diffing. Perviousy, it would not do this normalization for rules defined in jbuild files. (#2457, @rgrinberg)

  • Modules may no longer belong to more than one stanza. This was previously allowed only in stanzas defined in jbuild files. (#2458, @rgrinberg)

  • Remove support for jbuild-ignore files. They have been replaced by the the dirs stanza in dune files. (#2456, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a new config option sandboxing_preference, the cli argument --sandbox, and the dep spec sandbox in dune language. These let the user control the level of sandboxing done by dune per rule and globally. The rule specification takes precedence. The global configuration merely specifies the default. (#2213, @aalekseyev, @jeremiedimino)

  • Remove support for old style subsystems. Dune will now emit a warning to reinstall the library with the old style subsystem. (#2480, @rgrinberg)

  • Add action (with-stdin-from ) to redirect input from when performing . (#2487, @nojb)

  • Change the automatically generated odoc index to only list public modules. This only affects unwrapped libraries (#2479, @rgrinberg)

  • Set up formatting rules by default. They can be configured through a new (formatting) stanza in dune-project (#2347, fixes #2315, @emillon)

  • Change default target from @install to @all. (#2449, fixes #1220, @rgrinberg)

  • Include building stubs in @check rules. (@rgrinberg, #2530)

  • Get rid of ad-hoc rules for guessing the version. Dune now only relies on the version written in the dune-project file and no longer read VERSION or similar files (#2541, @jeremiedimino)

  • In (diff? x y) action, require x to exist and register a dependency on that file. (#2486, @aalekseyev)

  • On Windows, an .exe suffix is no longer added implicitly to binary names that already end in .exe. Second, when resolving binary names, .opt variants are no longer chosen automatically. (#2543, @nojb)

  • Make (diff? x y) move the correction file (y) away from the build directory to promotion staging area. This makes corrections work with sandboxing and in general reduces build directory pollution. (#2486, @aalekseyev, fixes #2482)

  • c_flags, c_names and cxx_names are now supported in executable and executables stanzas. (#2562, @nojb) Note: this feature has been subsequently extended into a separate foreign_stubs field. (#2659, RFC #2650, @snowleopard)

  • Remove git integration from $ dune upgrade (#2565, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a --disable-promotion to disable all modification to the source directory. There's also a corresponding DUNE_DISABLE_PROMOTION environment variable. (#2588, fix #2568, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a forbidden_libraries field to prevent some library from being linked in an executable. This help detecting who accidently pulls in unix for instance (#2570, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix incorrect error message when a variable is expanded in static context: %{lib:lib:..} when the library does not exist. (#2597, fix #1541, @rgrinberg)

  • Add --sections option to $ dune install to install subsections of .install files. This is useful for installing only the binaries in a workspace for example. (#2609, fixes #2554, @rgrinberg)

  • Drop support for jbuild and jbuild-ignore files (#2607, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a dune-action-plugin library for describing dependencies direcly in the executable source. Programs that use this feature can be run by a new action (dynamic-run ...). (#2635, @staronj, @aalekseyev)

  • Stop installing the ocaml-syntax-shims binary. In order to use future_syntax, one now need to depend on the ocaml-syntax-shims package (#2654, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add support for dependencies that are re-exported. Such dependencies are marked withre_export and will automatically be provided to users of a library (#2605, @rgrinberg)

  • Add a deprecated_library_name stanza to redirect old names after a library has been renamed (#2528, @jeremiedimino)

  • Error out when a preprocessor_deps field is present but not preprocess field is. It is a warning with Dune 1.x projects (#2660, @Julow)

  • Dune will use -output-complete-exe instead of -custom when compiling self-contained bytecode executables whenever this options is available (OCaml version >= 4.10) (#2692, @nojb)

  • Add action (with-accepted-exit-codes <pred> <action>) to specify the set of successful exit codes of <action>. <pred> is specified using the predicate language. (#2699, @nojb)

  • Do not setup rules for disabled libraries (#2491, fixes #2272, @bobot)

  • Configurator: filter out empty flags from pkg-config (#2716, @AltGr)

  • no_keep_locs is a no-op for projects that use lang dune older than 2.0. In projects where the language is at least 2.0, the field is now forbidden. (#2752, fixes #2747, @rgrinberg)

  • Extend support for foreign sources and archives via the (foreign_library ...) stanza as well as the (foreign_stubs ...) and (foreign_archives ...) fields. (#2659, RFC #2650, @snowleopard)

  • Add (deprecated_package_names) field to (package) declaration in dune-project. The names declared here can be used in the (old_public_name) field of (deprecated_library_name) stanza. These names are interpreted as library names (not prefixed by a package name) and appropiate redirections are setup in their META files. This feaure is meant to migrate old libraries which do not follow Dune's convention of prefixing libraries with the package name. (#2696, @nojb)

  • The fields license, authors, maintainers, source, bug_reports, homepage, and documentation of dune-project can now be overriden on a per-package basis. (#2774, @nojb)

  • Change the default modes field of executables to (mode exe). If one wants to build a bytecode program, it now needs to be explicitly requested via (modes byte exe). (#2851, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow ccomp_type as a variable for evaluating enabled_if. (#2855, @dra27, @rgrinberg)

  • Stricter validation of file names in select. The file names of conditional sources must match the prefix and the extension of the resultant filename. (#2867, @rgrinberg)

  • Add flag disable_dynamically_linked_foreign_archives to the workspace file. If the flag is set to true then: (i) when installing libraries, we do not install dynamic foreign archives dll*.so; (ii) when building executables in the byte mode, we statically link in foreign archives into the runtime system; (iii) we do not generate any dll*.so rules. (#2864, @snowleopard)

  • Reimplement the bootstrap procedure. The new procedure is faster and should no longer stack overflow (#2854, @dra27, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow .opam.template files to be generated using rules (#2866, @rgrinberg)

See full changelog


  • Set "conventional" as the default profile (#1060, @gpetiot). This new profile is made to better match the most used style and is encouraged. To continue using the previous default, use profile = ocamlformat in your .ocamlformat.
  • CLI: Allow both values of boolean options (#1062, @Julow). Now, both --opt and --no-opt` are available on the CLI for any boolean option "opt". Previously, only one of them were available depending on the default value.
  • Auto mode for break-string-literals (#1057, @gpetiot). wrap, newlines and newlines-and-wrap values of break-string-literals are removed. auto replaces them, it is equivalent to newlines-and-wrap.
  • Dock collection brackets (#1014, @gpetiot). after-and-docked value of break-separators is removed and is replaced by a new dock-collection-brackets option.
  • Preserve begin and end keywords in if-then-else (#978, @Julow). Previously, begin/end keywords around if-then-else branches were turned into parentheses.

New features

  • Give a hint when warning 50 is raised (#1111, @gpetiot)
  • Add a message when a config value is removed (#1089, @emillon). Explain what replaces removed options and avoid printing a parsing error.
  • Implement sequence-blank-line=preserve-one for let bindings (#1077, @Julow). Preserve a blank line after let .. in when sequence-blank-line set to preserve-one. Previously, only blank lines after ; could be preserved.
  • Parse toplevel directives (#1020, @Julow). Allow #directives in .ml files. Previously, files containing a directive needed to be parsed as "use file". The "use file" mode is removed and --use-file is now the same as --impl.
  • Don't require --name, require kind, forbid --inplace, allow --check, make --enable-outside-detected-project implicit when reading from stdin (#1018, @gpetiot)
  • Parse code in docstrings (#941, @gpetiot). Format OCaml code in cinaps-style comments (*$ code *) and code blocks in documentation comments (** {[ code ]} *).
  • Parse documentation comments with Odoc (#721, @Julow). Formatting of documentation comments is more robust and support newer Odoc syntaxes. Internally, Odoc replaces Octavius as the documentation parser.

Bug fixes

  • Fix unstabilizing comments on assignments (#1093, @gpetiot)
  • Fix the default value documentation for max-indent (#1105, @gpetiot)
  • Fix closing parenthesis exceeding the margin in function application (#1098, @Julow)
  • Missing break before attributes of Pmty_with (#1103, @jberdine)
  • Fix closing quote exceeding the margin (#1096, @Julow)
  • Fix break before the closing bracket of collections (exceeding the margin) (#1073, @gpetiot)
  • Fix precedence of Dot wrt Hash (#1058, @gpetiot)
  • Fix break in variant type definition to not exceed the margin (#1064, @gpetiot)
  • Fix newlines and indentation in toplevel extension points (#1054, @gpetiot)
  • Fix placement of doc comments around extensions (#1052, @Julow)
  • Inline extensions that do not break (#1050, @gpetiot)
  • Add missing cut before attributes in type declarations (#1051, @gpetiot)
  • Fix alignment of cases (#1046, @gpetiot)
  • Fix blank line after comments at the end of lists (#1045, @gpetiot)
  • Fix indexing operators precedence (#1039, @Julow)
  • Fix dropped comment after infix op (#1030, @gpetiot)
  • No newline if the input is empty (#1031, @gpetiot)
  • Fix unstable comments around attributes (#1029, @gpetiot)
  • Fix extra blank line in sequence (#1021, @Julow)
  • Check functor arguments when computing placement of doc comments (#1013, @Julow)
  • Fix indentation of labelled args (#1006, @gpetiot)
  • Fix linebreak between or-cases with comments when break-cases=all (#1002, @gpetiot)
  • Fix unstable unattached doc comment in records (#998, @Julow)
  • Fix string literal changed (#995, @Julow)
  • Fix type variable (#996, @Julow)
  • Fix crash on extension sequence (#992, @gpetiot)
  • Fix position of expressions regarding of comments in infix-op expressions (#986, @gpetiot)
  • Escape special characters in external declaration (#988, @Julow)
  • Fix parens around constrained expr with attrs (#987, @gpetiot)
  • Fix the margin, and correctly breaks comments (#957, @gpetiot)
  • Fix formatting of custom indexing operators (#975, @gpetiot)
  • Fix position of comments of labelled arrow types (#976, @gpetiot)
  • No box around inline odoc styles (#971, @gpetiot)
  • Fix boxing of collection expressions/patterns (#960, @gpetiot)
  • Fix crash on record expr with pack fields (#963, @Julow)
  • Fix letop in subexpr (#956, @hhugo)


  • Take file kind from --name when formatting stdin (#1119, @Julow)
  • Make Fmt.t abstract (#1109, @Julow)
  • Future-proof Fmt API in case Fmt.t goes abstract (#1106, @emillon)
  • Future-proof Fmt API in case Fmt.t goes abstract (#1106, @emillon)
  • Optional names for formatting boxes in debug output (#1083, @gpetiot)
  • Check ocamlformat error codes in the testsuite (#1084, @emillon)
  • Clean Translation_unit (#1078, @gpetiot)
  • Use dune file generation in test/passing/dune (#1082, @emillon)
  • CI: factorize tests and check reason build (#1079, @gpetiot)
  • Use short form for action in src/dune (#1076, @emillon)
  • Cleanup sequence_blank_line (#1075, @Julow)
  • CI: use a script travis-ci.sh to simplify .travis.yml (#1063, @gpetiot)
  • Remove utility functions from Fmt_ast (#1059, @gpetiot)
  • CI: use opam-2.0.5 in Travis (#1044, @XVilka)
  • CI: check the build with OCaml 4.07.1 and 4.08.0 (#1036, @Julow)
  • Use the same sets of options for both branches by default in test_branch.sh (#1033, @gpetiot)
  • Fix test_branch.sh and CI checking of CHANGES.md (#1032, #1034, @Julow)
  • Fix flag of git-worktree in test_branch.sh and bisect.sh (#1027, @gpetiot)
  • Remove the bisect_ppx dependency and clean the Makefile (#1005, @Julow)
  • Use a CHANGES.md log file again (#1023, @gpetiot)
  • Support OCaml 4.09.0 (add the odoc.1.4.2 dependency) (#1024, @gpetiot)
  • Update labels of issue templates (#1017, @gpetiot)
  • Update labels in CONTRIBUTING.md (#1007, @gpetiot)
  • Allow to ignore invalid options (#984, @hhugo). The --ignore-invalid-option flag is added to ignore invalid options in .ocamlformat files.
  • Improve the documentation of --doc-comments (#982, @Julow)
  • Remove symbolic links and change naming convention of tests (#980, @gpetiot)
  • Change the type of fmt_code (#974, @gpetiot)
  • Simplify Makefile (#973, @hhugo)
  • Dune should not be flagged as a build dep anymore (#954, @gpetiot)
See full changelog
  • tiny API change to help with the detection of top-level phrase boundaries
  • fixed a bug with end of comment detection in some cases (esp. related to cinaps)
  • tweaks for better indentation within cinaps comments
  • lowered priority of algebraic attributes in expressions ([@...]) to better match the actual meaning.

Dune 1.11.4

See full changelog
  • Allow to mark directories as data_only_dirs without including them as dirs (#2619, fix #2584, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix reading .install files generated with an external --build-dir. (#2638, fix #2629, @rgrinberg)

See full changelog


  • Fix a bug where opam submit would fail if the opam files had no description (#165, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug where opam files could be improperly tempered with while building the distribution tarball (#168, @NathanReb)

Odoc 1.4.2

See full changelog

Bugs fixed

  • Build on OCaml 4.09 (#383, Anil Madhavapeddy).
  • Handle OCaml 4.08 type and module substitutions (#381, Jon Ludlam).
  • Parser: better trimming of leading whitespace in code blocks (#370, Jules Aguillon).
  • Parser: allow references to operators containing : characters (#384, reported Sylvain Le Gall).
  • HTML: emit <meta generator> again (#378, Daniel Bünzli).
  • CLI: odoc html-targets was ignoring deeply nested modules (#379, Daniel Bünzli).
  • Fix bad internal usage of List.iter2 (#376, Yotam Barnoy).

Utop 2.4.2

See full changelog
  • Add support for OCaml 4.09.0 (@octachron @avsm, #299)
See full changelog
  • compatibility with OCaml 4.08.0 (new attributes, monadic lets...)
  • lots of smaller indentation fixes (module types, empty variants...)
  • more reliable "inplace" mode (preserving symlinks and permissions)
  • XDG compatibility (e.g. config file below ~/.config)
  • support for "cinaps" comments (indent as code comments that start with (*$)
  • API: IndentBlock.is_at_top now returns true for top-level expressions

Dune 1.11.3

See full changelog
  • Fix a ppx hash collision in watch mode (#2546, fixes #2520, @diml)

Dune 1.11.2

See full changelog
  • Remove the optimisation of passing -nodynlink for executables when not necessary. It seems to be breaking things (see #2527, @diml)

  • Fix invalid library names in dune-package files. Only public names should exist in such files. (#2558, fix #2425, @rgrinberg)

Utop 2.4.1

See full changelog


  • Remove camlp4 remnants (@XVilka, #290) (@kandu, #293)
  • Allow to statically link utop (@diml, #285) (@hongchangwu, #286)


  • Remove broken elisp (m-plamann, #292)
  • Add OCaml 4.08 build in Travis CI (XVilka, #291)

Dune 1.11.1

See full changelog
  • Fix config file dependencies of ocamlformat (#2471, fixes #2464, @nojb)

  • Cleanup stale directories when using (source_tree ...) in the presence of directories with only sub-directories and no files (#2514, fixes #2499, @diml)

See full changelog
  • Improve: generalize API of Config_option (#952, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: new 'before' value for option 'sequence-style' (#947, @gpetiot)
  • Project: create issue templates (#950, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: tidying up Conf.ml (#951, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: parse code in comments (#934, @gpetiot)
  • Fix comments' placement (do not look at loc_stack) (#923, @gpetiot)
  • Doc: setting flags in .ocamlformat (#944, @gpetiot)
  • Doc: enable-outside-detected-project necessary for global conf file (#948, @gpetiot)
  • Fix hashbang handling (#946, @hhugo)
  • Improve: support Shell-style regular expressions in .ocamlformat-ignore and .ocamlformat-enable files (#937, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: force break after an infix op only if followed by another one (#935, @gpetiot)
  • Fix break-separators=after-and-docked for lists and arrays (#931, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: deprecate option break-string-literals and change its default value (#932, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: break with labeled arrow type (#933, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: disambiguate non-breaking matching structures (#857, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: warning 50 handled like an internal error (#930, @gpetiot)
  • Fix break-separators=after-and-docked for record patterns (#929, @gpetiot)
  • Fix closing parenthesis indentation when on separate line (#928, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: split the Conf.ml file (#920, @gpetiot)
  • Fix position of comments after anonymous functions (#919, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: comments around disabled block (#918, @hhugo)
  • Fix monadic bindings (new 4.08 syntax) (#911, @gpetiot)
  • Fix attribute when break-infix-before-func=false (#916, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: update ocamlformat_reason opam file to 2.0 format (#913, @avsm)
  • Fix attributes of modules (#910, @gpetiot)
  • Fix docstrings of exceptions (#909, @gpetiot)
  • Fix attribute location in Normalization (#908, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: add the 'ocamlformat-file-kind' argument to the emacs hook (#905, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: dunify testsuite (#881, @trRefis)
  • Improve: add trailing semicolon inside record when break-separators=after-and-docked (#899, @gpetiot)
  • Fix compilation with 4.06 and 4.07 (#898, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: add a new way to indicate multiline delimiters (#876, @trefis)
  • Fix inconsistency of break-separators=after-and-docked for record expressions (#856, @gpetiot)

Dune 1.11.0

On behalf of the dune team, I'm pleased to announce the release of dune 1.11.0. This release contains quite a few new interesting features such as custom dialects: anyone can define their own OCaml based syntax. Is anyone up to revive the revised syntax? :slight_smile: I'd also like to highlight the the re-launch of variants feature in a sounder form, a new build-info library that queries build information, and that dune init can initialize an entire project. But of course, by far the most important thing is that the compiler's colours are now back :champagne:

See full changelog
  • Don't select all local implementations in dune utop. Instead, let the default implementation selection do its job. (#2327, fixes #2323, @TheLortex, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Check that selected implementations (either by variants or default implementations) are indeed implementations. (#2328, @TheLortex, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Don't reserve the Ppx toplevel module name for ppx rewriters (#2242, @jeremiedimino)

  • Redesign of the library variant feature according to the #2134 proposal. The set of variants is now computed when the virtual library is installed. Introducing a new external_variant stanza. (#2169, fixes #2134, @TheLortex, review by @jeremiedimino)

  • Add proper line directives when copying .cc and .cxx sources (#2275, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix error message for missing C++ sources. The .cc extension was always ignored before. (#2275, @rgrinberg)

  • Add $ dune init project subcommand to create project boilerplate according to a common template. (#2185, fixes #159, @shonfeder)

  • Allow to run inline tests in javascript with nodejs (#2266, @hhugo)

  • Build ppx.exe as compiling host binary. (#2286, fixes #2252, @toots, review by @rgrinberg and @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a cinaps extension and stanza for better integration with the cinaps tool tool (#2269, @jeremiedimino)

  • Allow to embed build info in executables such as version and list and version of statically linked libraries (#2224, @jeremiedimino)

  • Set version in META and dune-package files to the one read from the vcs when no other version is available (#2224, @jeremiedimino)

  • Add a variable %{target} to be used in situations where the context requires at most one word, so %{targets} can be confusing; stdout redirections and "-o" arguments of various tools are the main use case; also, introduce a separate field target that must be used instead of targets in those situations. (#2341, @aalekseyev)

  • Fix dependency graph of wrapped_compat modules. Previously, the dependency on the user written entry module was omitted. (#2305, @rgrinberg)

  • Allow to promote executables built with an executable stanza (#2379, @jeremiedimino)

  • When instantiating an implementation with a variant, make sure it matches virtual library's list of known implementations. (#2361, fixes #2322, @TheLortex, review by @rgrinberg)

  • Add a variable %{ignoring_promoted_rules} that is true when --ingore-promoted-rules is passed on the command line and false otherwise (#2382, @jeremiedimino)

  • Fix a bug in future_syntax where the characters @ and & were not distinguished in the names of binding operators (let@ was the same as let&) (#2376, @aalekseyev, @jeremiedimino)

  • Workspaces with non unique project names are now supported. (#2377, fix #2325, @rgrinberg)

  • Improve opam generation to include the dune dependencies with the minimum constraint set based on the dune language version specified in the dune-project file. (2383, @avsm)

  • The order of fields in the generated opam file now follows order preferred in opam-lib. (@avsm, #2380)

  • Fix coloring of error messages from the compiler (@jeremiedimino, #2384)

  • Add warning 66 to default set of warnings starting for dune projects with language verison >= 1.11 (@rgrinberg, @jeremiedimino, fixes #2299)

  • Add (dialect ...) stanza (@nojb, #2404)

  • Add a --context argument to dune install/uninstall (@jeremiedimino, #2412)

  • Do not warn about merlin files pre 1.9. This warning can only be disabled in 1.9 (#2421, fixes #2399, @emillon)

  • Add a new inline_tests field in the env stanza to control inline_tests framework with a variable (#2313, @mlasson, original idea by @jeremiedimino, review by @rgrinberg).

  • New binary kind js for executables in order to explicitly enable Javascript targets, and a switch (explicit_js_mode) to require this mode in order to declare JS targets corresponding to executables. (#1941, @nojb)

See full changelog
  • backend
    • ** globbing in .merlin won't look into hidden directories (starting with a '.') (by Daniel Bünzli, #990)
    • fallback to "/dev/null" configuration for findlib
    • better 4.08 support:
      • support for letop (let+, and+, ...) (#986)
      • fix parsing recovery for 4.08 constructions (#987)
      • catch an exception raised by 4.08 Printtyp trying to rename a persistent identifier (#991)
    • locate: treat local locations differently from external locations (coming from a cmi), this fixes "jump to definition" on mutually recursive bindings (#984)
    • when completing an infix operator in a sub-module, wrap with () (#992)
    • disable arity checks on externals (for Bucklescript compatibility)
    • remove parser preprocessing (simplify compilation for OCaml < 4.08) (#997)
  • editor modes
    • emacs
      • fix position computation in presence of tabs or multi-byte characters (#981)
      • log arguments in "merlin-debug-last-commands" (#981)
    • vim
      • install reason.vim file (by Hezekiah M. Carty, #974)
See full changelog


  • Fix a bug where file presence lint check wouldn't be run for CHANGES, LICENSE and README (#161, @NathanReb)


  • Add headers to better distinguish various dune-release logs such as user prompts and informational logs

We are pleased to announce the minor release of opam 2.0.5.

This new version contains build update and small fixes:

Note: To homogenise macOS name on system detection, we decided to keep macos, and convert darwin to macos in opam. For the moment, to not break jobs & CIs, we keep uploading darwin & macos binaries, but from the 2.1.0 release, only macos ones will be kept.

Installation instructions (unchanged):

  1. From binaries: run

    sh <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh)

    or download manually from the Github "Releases" page to your PATH. In this case, don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to enable sandboxing if you had version 2.0.0~rc manually installed or to update you sandbox script.

  2. From source, using opam:

    opam update; opam install opam-devel

    (then copy the opam binary to your PATH as explained, and don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to enable sandboxing if you had version 2.0.0~rc manually installed or to update you sandbox script)

  3. From source, manually: see the instructions in the README.

We hope you enjoy this new minor version, and remain open to bug reports and suggestions.

NOTE: this article is cross-posted on opam.ocaml.org and ocamlpro.com. Please head to the latter for the comments!

See full changelog
  • Improve: align cases horizontally (#883, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: option exp-grouping (#828, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: synchronize Format with upstream stdlib (#885, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: break-string-literals=newlines-and-wrap (#896, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: specify break hint in fits_breaks (#894, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: option break-before-in (#892, @gpetiot)
  • Fix break-string-literals=newlines (#887, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: Implement break-fun-sig without Location.is_single_line (#886, @Julow)
  • Format gen_version.ml (#893, @hhugo)
  • Improve: switch to ast 4.08 (#831, @hhugo)
  • Fix formatting of arguments when break-fun-decl=fit-or-vertical (#884, @gpetiot)
  • Test: extend max_indent test (#878, @trefis)
  • Test: break_cases_normal_indent.ml is a symlink on break_cases_fit.ml (#879, @gpetiot)
  • Improve unicode text length computation (#816, @gpetiot)
  • Add an option to control the indentation of nested matches (#870, @trefis)
  • Fix: properly interpret indicate-multiline-delimiters for if-then-elses (#874, @trefis)
  • Enable warning 9 (#875, @hhugo)
  • Fix unstable comment in let%ext (#873, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: option max-indent (#841, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: option nested-match=align (#827, @gpetiot)
  • Fix dropped attributes in with_constraints (#846, @gpetiot)
  • Fix dropped comments in list patterns and module types (#866, @gpetiot)
  • Fix comment dropped in object (#849, @gpetiot)
  • Fix inconsistency of break-separators for wildcards in match cases (#855, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: new options to support 'with' and 'strict_with' (ocp-indent) (#853, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: .ocamlformat-enable files listing files to format when ocamlformat is disabled (#854, @gpetiot)
  • Check that all locations have been considered during formatting (#864, @hhugo)
  • clean Hashtbl.Poly (#862, @hhugo)
  • Fix: test.sh (#858, @hhugo)
  • cleanup Cmts.ml (#861, @hhugo)
  • Clean: Cleanup usage of Poly (#860, @hhugo)
  • Fix: rename sexp_list into list (#859, @hhugo)
  • Fix vim instructions (#852, @naartjie)
  • Improve: options extension-indent and stritem-extension-indent (#840, @gpetiot)
  • Fix comment dropped in field alias (#848, @gpetiot)
  • Fix pro position for with_constraints (#847, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: finer space-around-exp options (#837, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: preserve blank lines in conventional and sparse profiles (#838, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: don't fit tag-only comments after val declarations (#836, @Julow)
  • Improve speed with ofday_unit_tests_v1.ml (#833, @hhugo)
  • Fix exception when calling String.sub (#832, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: implement doc-comments and doc-comments-tag-only for every items (#746, @Julow)
  • Improve: Add field-space=tight-decl (#829, @Julow)
  • Improve: make Sugar.list_exp and Sugar.list_pat tail-recursive (#823, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: options 'let-binding-indent', 'type-decl-indent' and 'indent-after-in' (#822, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: performance issue with deep asts (#826, @hhugo)
  • Improve: preserve blank lines in sequences (#814, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: tidying Fmt_ast.ml (#821, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: space before type constraint in record (#819, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: break-cases=fit-or-vertical (#820, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: remove break before ending paren for anonymous functions (#818, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: preserve the position of type annotation in bindings (#815, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: preserve record type annot (#812, @gpetiot)
  • Fix break before ending paren (#801, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: better consistency between structures and signatures (#803, @gpetiot)
  • Fix let module sparse (sparse mode only for module applications) (#809, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: change formatting of newtypes (#811, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: break-cases-all shouldn't break nested patterns (#810, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: sugarized extensions (#805, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: tidying Fmt_ast (#808, @gpetiot)
  • Fix cmt in empty structure (#804, @gpetiot)
  • Remove dead link to preset profiles (#806, @andschwa)
  • Improve: break with type constraints (#797, @gpetiot)
  • Fix colon break module type functor (#802, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: K&R style for if-then-else (#787, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: new option break-fun-sig (#785, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: indentation consistency of '<-' and := (#780, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: functor application and break-struct wrap incorrectly (#786, @gpetiot)
  • Break after anonymous function arrow after infix op (#781, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: type extension (#782, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: Fmt.noop (#784, @gpetiot)
  • Fix extension of value binding (#779, @chrismamo1)
  • Improve: less sensitivity to concrete syntax (#767, @gpetiot)
  • Fix missing space before attribute on includes (#775, @Julow)
  • Improve: new option let-module (#768, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: --disable-outside-detected-project is set by default (#761, @gpetiot)
  • Fix weird parens break (#751, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, use $HOME/.config (#758, @gpetiot)
  • Fix: --use-file/--impl/--intf should override file extension (#774, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: less breaks for break-cases=all but correctly breaks or-patterns (#762, @gpetiot)
  • Remove unecessary break on module pack constraints with with-constraints (#739, @Julow)
  • Fix inconsistent break before module signature (#755, @gpetiot)
  • Fix indentation of functor argument (#773, @gpetiot)
  • Tidying fmt ast (#748, @gpetiot)
  • Fix nested parens with no break infix before func (#760, @gpetiot)
  • Provide an mli for Compat (#772) (hhugo) -Fix non-wrapping asterisk prefixed cmts (#759, @gpetiot)
  • Support for OCaml 4.08 (#763, @hhugo)
  • Fix module type functor (#716, @gpetiot)
  • Small cleanup (#764, @hhugo)
  • Fix: update ocamlformat-help.txt (follow up on #752) (#756, @gpetiot)
  • Fix module pack and functor (#735, @Julow)
  • Fix grammar: it's -> its (@anmonteiro)
  • Improve: support --name with --inplace (#740, @jberdine)
  • Fix: dropped comments for pexp_record (#743, @hhugo)
  • Improve: comments arround attributes, fix #726 (#742, @hhugo)
  • Update README for new profiles (#738, @jberdine)
  • Remove deprecated 'default' profile (#736, @jberdine)
  • Fix extra parens around ext match (#733, @gpetiot)
  • Improve: factorize with compose_module (#729, @gpetiot)
  • Test: exclude gen_version.ml from test (#732, @jberdine)
  • Improve: make gen_version an ocaml script (#664, @hhugo)

Odoc 1.4.1

See full changelog

Bugs fixed

  • Messy formatting in large definitions due to lack of <span>s (#360, Thomas Refis).
  • Missing table of contents on .mld pages (#361, Rizo Isrof).
  • Missing space before polymorphic class names (#339, Kevin Ji).
  • Module type definitions printed with : instead of = (#344, Geoff Reedy).
  • Conjunctive types printed with * instead of & (#353, Florian Angeletti).
  • Type extensions (+=) printed without CSS classes found in other items (#348, reported Stéphane Lavergne).
  • High memory usage on large codebases (#361, Thomas Refis).
  • Build: double underscores in internal filenames (#357, Thomas Refis).
  • Development: test suite assumed that html5-tidy supports --mute (#345, Geoff Reedy).
  • Internal: refactored AST (#351, #364, Jules Aguillon).
If you want to contribute to a new release announcement, check out the Contributing Guide on GitHub.