Deserialise and Post-Process YAML Data using yaml


Data Formats / YAML / Deserialise and Post-Process YAML Data

Deserialise a YAML file whose structure does not directly map to some OCaml types.

Opam Packages Used

  • yaml Tested with version: 3.2.0 — Used libraries: yaml
  • ppx_deriving_yaml Tested with version: 0.2.2 — Used libraries: ppx_deriving_yaml


This YAML string contains a list of ingredients where the ingredients are represented as a YAML object, with keys representing names and values representing amounts.

let yaml_string = {|
french name: pâte sucrée
- flour: 250
- butter: 100
- sugar: 100
- egg: 50
- salt: 5
- soften butter
- add sugar
- add egg and salt
- add flour

The [@@deriving of_yaml] attribute makes the ppx_deriving_yaml library generate the function ingredient_of_yaml : Yaml.value -> (ingredient, [> `Msg of string]) result.

type ingredient = {
  name: string;
  weight: int;
} [@@deriving of_yaml]

The [@@deriving of_yaml] attribute makes the ppx_deriving_yaml library generate the function recipe_of_yaml : Yaml.value -> (ingredient, [> `Msg of string]) result.

type recipe = {
  name: string; [@key "french name"]
  ingredients: ingredient list;
  steps: string list;
} [@@deriving of_yaml]

Since the structure of the YAML file does not exactly match the recipe type, we (1) parse the YAML file to the internal representation Yaml.value of the yaml package, and then (2) change the structure to match the recipe type, so we can use the recipe_of_yaml function.

The functions add_keys and at_ingredients perform this post-processing.

let add_keys = function
  | `O [(name, `Float weight)] ->
      `O [
        ("name", `String name);
        ("weight", `Float weight);
  | v -> v

let at_ingredients f = function
  | `O [
      ("french name", `String name);
      ("ingredients", `A ingredients);
      ("steps", `A steps)
    ] -> `O [
      ("french name", `String name);
        Yaml.Util.map_exn f (`A ingredients));
      ("steps", `A steps);
  | v -> v

Parse, post-process, and convert the YAML string into an OCaml value of type recipe.

let pate_sucree =
  |> Yaml.of_string
  |> (at_ingredients add_keys)
  |> fun yaml -> Result.bind yaml recipe_of_yaml

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