opam 101: the first steps

Welcome, dear reader, to a new series of blog posts! This series will be about everything opam. Each article will cover a specific aspect of the package manager, and make sure to dissipate any confusion or misunderstandings on this keystone of the OCaml distribution! Each technical article will be t...

23 Jan 2024


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Annotating OCaml Variables and Returns with local_ | OCaml Unboxed

This is the second installment in the video series explaining OCaml's locals. In this video, I explain how we can annotate variables and return types with local_. Code for this video: https://github.com/goldfirere/janestreet-videos/tree/main/locals/02-local-variables-and-returns View instructions to get the compiler I use in this video: https://github.com/janestreet/opam-repository/tree/with-extensions Playlist for videos in this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCiAikFFaMJrgFrWRKn0-1EI3gVZLQJtJ

23 Jan 2024

Jane Street - OCaml Unboxed

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Annotating OCaml Variables and Returns with local_ | OCaml Unboxed

This is the second installment in the video series explaining OCaml's locals. In this video, I explain how we can annotate variables and return types with local_. Code for this video: https://github.com/goldfirere/janestreet-videos/tree/main/locals/02-local-variables-and-returns View instructions to get the compiler I use in this video: https://github.com/janestreet/opam-repository/tree/with-extensions Playlist for videos in this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCiAikFFaMJrgFrWRKn0-1EI3gVZLQJtJ

23 Jan 2024

Jane Street - OCaml Unboxed

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Ocsigen: Developing Web and mobile applications in OCaml – Jérôme Vouillon & Vincent Balat

This presentation gives an overview of the Ocsigen framework, which is used in particular to develop the Be Sport social network. Ocsigen is a set a tools to develop Web sites and applications. Amongst other things, it contains js_of_ocaml, a comp...

23 Jan 2024

Watch OCaml

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Ocsigen: Developing Web and mobile applications in OCaml – Jérôme Vouillon & Vincent Balat

This presentation gives an overview of the Ocsigen framework, which is used in particular to develop the Be Sport social network. Ocsigen is a set a tools to develop Web sites and applications. Amo...

23 Jan 2024

Watch OCaml

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Outreachy Blog: Everyone Struggles

Starting off isn't always easy. Here's my experience at the beginning.

21 Jan 2024

Idara Nabuk

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The OCaml Community

For starters, here's a little tour of our amazing community.

21 Jan 2024

Idara Nabuk

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What are Data Races? And do They Threaten Your Business?

Imagine you have a brand-new coffee machine. One morning, you traipse excitedly down the stairs only to discover that, alas, your appliance…

17 Jan 2024


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Concepts of Functional Programming

This post explores the concepts of functional programming, including immutability, pure functions, higher-order functions, recursion, and more. It also delves into the history of functional programming and introduces Lambda Calculus. If you're new to functional programming or want to deepen your understanding, this post is for you.

16 Jan 2024

Emil Privér

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