Off to the Races: Using ThreadSanitizer in OCaml

OCaml Multicore opened up a new world of performance for developers, something that Nomadic Labs has tested with great results. Rather than…

18 Oct 2023


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Opam: Package Manager on Steroids?

Opam: Package Manager on Steroids?

12 Oct 2023

Emil Privér

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Prioritising Mental Health at Tarides

In a world that never stops, it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often overlooking the importance of maintaining…

10 Oct 2023


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Rules of Miou!

09 Oct 2023

Romain Calascibetta

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Porting OBuilder to FreeBSD

OBuilder is a tool for performing arbitrary, reproduceable builds of OCaml-related software within a sandboxed environment. It is used by…

04 Oct 2023


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Tutorial: How to Port Lwt Applications to Eio

Thomas Leonard and Jonathan Ludlam hosted a tutorial on porting Lwt applications to OCaml 5 and Eio at arguably the world's largest…

27 Sep 2023


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