How to build type-safe State Machines using type-state

Tired of writing state machines full of invalid transitions? Type-state may be what you're looking for. In this issue of Practical OCaml we show you how to use it to build type-safe state machines.

29 Aug 2023

Practical OCaml

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A quick guide to GADTs and why you ain't gonna need them

Ever wanted to use a GADT but did not know if you really needed them? You probably don't. And here's why.

28 Aug 2023

Practical OCaml

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How I explore domain problems cheaply and fast with OCaml: modeling a web router

You've heard of Domain-Driven Design, now buckle up for Type-Driven Domain..wait. Typed Domains Driving...nevermind. We're gonna use Only Types to Understand our Domain Problems Very Fast! 🚀

24 Aug 2023

Practical OCaml

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{ hello = `world; }

And here we are! After writing my share of ReScript at Practical ReScript, I figured I'd start a blog for OCaml that would help consolidate my experiences with it into some Practical advice, that you can use to start new projects, to contribute to existing ones, hell even get a

23 Aug 2023

Practical OCaml

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Building the OCaml GPT library

In this tutorial, we will explore the process I went through to build my first OCaml library.

22 Aug 2023

PizieDust on Medium

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Your Programming Language and its Impact on the Cybersecurity of Your Application

Did you know that the programming language you use can have a huge impact on the cybersecurity of your applications? In a 2022 meeting of…

17 Aug 2023


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Kcas: Building a Lock-Free STM for OCaml (2/2)

This is the follow-up post continuing the discussion of the development of Kcas. Part 1 discussed the development done on the library to…

10 Aug 2023


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