package async_udp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Ok : sig ... end
include Async.Unix.Syscall_result.S with type ok_value := Ok.t
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
include Core.Equal.S with type t := t
val equal : t Base__Equal.equal
val create_ok : Ok.t -> t
val create_error : Core_unix__.Import.Unix.error -> t
val is_ok : t -> bool
val is_error : t -> bool
val to_result : t -> (Ok.t, Core_unix__.Import.Unix.error) Core.Result.t

This returns a preallocated object for all errors and at least a few ok_values, so can be used in many contexts where avoiding allocation is important.

val ok_exn : t -> Ok.t
val error_exn : t -> Core_unix__.Import.Unix.error
val reinterpret_error_exn : t -> _ Core_unix.Syscall_result.t

This is more efficient than calling error_exn and then the create_error of the destination type.

val ok_or_unix_error_exn : t -> syscall_name:string -> Ok.t
val ok_or_unix_error_with_args_exn : t -> syscall_name:string -> 'a -> ('a -> Core.Sexp.t) -> Ok.t
module Optional_syntax : Core.Optional_syntax.S with type t := t and type value := Ok.t
val poll_again : t
val user_stopped : t

Innovation. Community. Security.