package camlimages

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include IMAGE
type t
type elt

Image creation

val create : int -> int -> t

create w h creates an image with a size wxh. The content is the image is not initialized.

val make : int -> int -> elt -> t

make w h c creates an image with a size wxh. The content is the image is initialized to the color c.

val destroy : t -> unit

destroy t explicitly frees the image content of t. If you do not use bitmap swap files, you do not need to call this function, since GC will free unreachable image data automatically. Read bitmap.mli for more details.

Pixel access

val get : t -> int -> int -> elt

get t x y gets image pixel of t at x,y. If x,y is outside of the image size, Images.Out_of_image exception is raised.

val set : t -> int -> int -> elt -> unit

set t x y c sets image pixel of t at x,y by the color c. If x,y is outside of the image size, Images.Out_of_image exception is raised.

val unsafe_get : t -> int -> int -> elt
val unsafe_set : t -> int -> int -> elt -> unit

Unsafe versions of get and set. It does not perform any image boundary check. If the coordinates are out of the given image, the result is undefined. Use carefully.

Image copy

val copy : t -> t

copy t duplicates the image t.

val sub : t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> t

sub t x y w h duplicates a subimage of t of size wxh, whose origin (0,0) is at (x,y) of t.

val blit : t -> int -> int -> t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit

blit src x y dst x' y' w h copies rectangular area of src at x,y with size wxh, to an image dst. The origin of the subimage comes at x',y' of dst.

val map : (elt -> elt -> elt) -> t -> int -> int -> t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit

map f src x y dst x' y' w h maps pixels of the rectangular area of src at x,y with size wxh, to an image dst, using color conversion function f. The origin of the subimage comes at x',y' of dst.

val dump : t -> bytes

functions for internal use

val unsafe_access : t -> int -> int -> bytes * int
val get_strip : t -> int -> int -> int -> bytes
val set_strip : t -> int -> int -> int -> bytes -> unit
val get_scanline : t -> int -> bytes
val get_scanline_ptr : t -> (int -> (bytes * int) * int) option
val set_scanline : t -> int -> bytes -> unit
val blocks : t -> int * int
val dump_block : t -> int -> int -> Bitmap.Block.t
type mapelt

Pixel access

val get_color : t -> int -> int -> mapelt

get_color x y returns image pixel color value of t at x,y. If x,y is outside of the image size, Images.Out_of_image exception is raised.

val unsafe_get_color : t -> int -> int -> mapelt