package catapult-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Backend for Catapult, using a connection to the daemon.

  • The tracing is enabled/disabled via "TRACE=1".
  • The trace identifier is specified in "TRACE_ID" (as a unique string ID).
  • The daemon's address is either "TRACE_ENDPOINT=ipc://<path>" or "TRACE_ENDPOINT=tcp://host:port".
include Catapult.IMPL
val setup : unit -> unit

Install the catapult logger as a profiling backend.

val teardown : unit -> unit
val with_setup : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
module Endpoint_address = Catapult.Endpoint_address
val enable : unit -> unit
val enabled : unit -> bool
val set_trace_id : string -> unit

Must be called before the setup.

val get_trace_id : unit -> string
val default_endpoint : Endpoint_address.t
val get_endpoint : unit -> Endpoint_address.t
val set_endpoint : Endpoint_address.t -> unit

Must be called before the setup.

val set_tcp_endpoint : string -> int -> unit
val set_ipc_endpoint : string -> unit