package colibri2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

A scope for decision, allows to wait before adding decisions for terms. Used for propagating into a term without decisions

val create : _ Egraph.t -> t

Create a new group

val activate : _ Egraph.t -> t -> unit
val add_to_group : _ Egraph.t -> ThTerm.t -> t -> unit

Add a ThTerm.t to a group

val make_choosable : _ Egraph.t -> ThTerm.t -> unit

Register the decisions attached to the node, and will not delay them in the future

val add_to_group_of : _ Egraph.t -> ThTerm.t -> ThTerm.t -> unit

add_to_group_of d t1 t2 add t1 in the group of t2


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