package colibri2

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Sets over ordered types

module type S = Map_intf.Set
module MakeOfMap (M : Map_intf.MapUnit) : S with type 'a M.t = 'a M.t and type M.key = M.key

Functor building an implementation of the set structure given a totally ordered type.

module Make (Ord : Map_intf.OrderedType) : S with type M.key = Ord.t

Functor building an implementation of the set structure given a totally ordered type.

module MakeHashcons (MH : Map_intf.Map_hashcons with type 'a data = unit) : Map_intf.Set_hashcons with type 'a poly = 'a MH.poly and type M.key = MH.key

Functor building an implementation of the hasconsed set structure given a totally ordered hashconsed map.


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