package colibri2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val backup_file : string -> unit
val channel_contents : Stdlib.in_channel -> string
val channel_contents_buf : Stdlib.in_channel -> Stdlib.Buffer.t
val channel_contents_fmt : Stdlib.in_channel -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
val fold_channel : ('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> Stdlib.in_channel -> 'a
val file_contents : string -> string
val file_contents_buf : string -> Stdlib.Buffer.t
val file_contents_fmt : string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
val open_temp_file : ?debug:bool -> string -> (string -> Stdlib.out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a
val copy_file : string -> string -> unit

copy_file from to copy the file from from to to

val copy_dir : string -> string -> unit

copy_dir from to copy the directory recursively from from to to, currently the directory must contains only directories and common files

val path_of_file : string -> string list

path_of_file filename return the absolute path of filename

val relativize_filename : string -> string -> string

relativize_filename base filename relativize the filename filename according to base

val absolutize_filename : string -> string -> string

absolutize_filename base filename absolutize the filename filename according to base

val uniquify : string -> string

find filename that doesn't exists based on the given filename. Be careful the file can be taken after the return of this function.


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