package colibri2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val case_of_int : -> Case.t
val field_of_int : -> Field.t
module MonoAdt : sig ... end
val cases_of_adt : MonoAdt.t -> Case.S.t
type ts = {
  1. adt : MonoAdt.t;
  2. case : Case.t;
  3. fields : Colibri2_core.Value.t Field.M.t;
include Colibri2_core.Value.S with type s := ts


include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype
val hash_fold_t : t Base.Hash.folder
module S : Colibri2_popop_lib.Map_intf.Set with type 'a M.t = 'a M.t and type M.key = M.key
include Base.Hashtbl.Key.S with type t := t
val compare : t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val hash : t -> int
val index : ?basename:string -> ts -> t

Return a nodevalue from a valueantical term. Basename is used only for debug

val node : t -> Colibri2_core.Node.t

Return a class from a nodevalue

val value : t -> ts

Return the value from a nodevalue

val nodevalue : t -> Colibri2_core.Value.t
val of_nodevalue : Colibri2_core.Value.t -> t option
val of_value : ts -> Colibri2_core.Value.t
val coerce_nodevalue : Colibri2_core.Value.t -> t
val coerce_value : Colibri2_core.Value.t -> ts
val th_register : Colibri2_core.Egraph.wt -> Base.unit
val propagate_value : Colibri2_core.Egraph.wt -> Colibri2_core.Ground.t -> Base.unit

Innovation. Community. Security.