package gapi-ocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = {
  1. accountId : int64;

    Account Id to which this upload belongs.

  2. customDataSourceId : string;

    Custom data source Id to which this data import belongs.

  3. errors : string list;

    Data import errors collection.

  4. id : string;

    A unique ID for this upload.

  5. kind : string;

    Resource type for Analytics upload.

  6. status : string;

    Upload status. Possible values: PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED, DELETING, DELETED.

  7. uploadTime : GapiDate.t;

    Time this file is uploaded.

val accountId : (t, int64) GapiLens.t
val customDataSourceId : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val errors : (t, string list) GapiLens.t
val id : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val kind : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val status : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val uploadTime : (t, GapiDate.t) GapiLens.t
val empty : t
val render : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model list
val parse : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model -> t
val to_data_model : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model
val of_data_model : GapiJson.json_data_model -> t