package gapi-ocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val delete : ?base_url:string -> ?std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> accountId:string -> webPropertyId:string -> linkId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> unit * GapiConversation.Session.t

Removes a user from the given web property.

  • parameter base_url

    Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

  • parameter std_params

    Optional standard parameters.

  • parameter accountId

    Account ID to delete the user link for.

  • parameter webPropertyId

    Web Property ID to delete the user link for.

  • parameter linkId

    Link ID to delete the user link for.

Adds a new user to the given web property.

  • parameter base_url

    Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

  • parameter std_params

    Optional standard parameters.

  • parameter accountId

    Account ID to create the user link for.

  • parameter webPropertyId

    Web Property ID to create the user link for.

val list : ?base_url:string -> ?std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?max_results:int -> ?start_index:int -> accountId:string -> webPropertyId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiAnalyticsV3Model.EntityUserLinks.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Lists webProperty-user links for a given web property.

  • parameter base_url

    Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

  • parameter std_params

    Optional standard parameters.

  • parameter max_results

    The maximum number of webProperty-user Links to include in this response.

  • parameter start_index

    An index of the first webProperty-user link to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.

  • parameter accountId

    Account ID which the given web property belongs to.

  • parameter webPropertyId

    Web Property ID for the webProperty-user links to retrieve. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties that user has access to.

val update : ?base_url:string -> ?std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> accountId:string -> webPropertyId:string -> linkId:string -> GapiAnalyticsV3Model.EntityUserLink.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiAnalyticsV3Model.EntityUserLink.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Updates permissions for an existing user on the given web property.

  • parameter base_url

    Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

  • parameter std_params

    Optional standard parameters.

  • parameter accountId

    Account ID to update the account-user link for.

  • parameter webPropertyId

    Web property ID to update the account-user link for.

  • parameter linkId

    Link ID to update the account-user link for.