package gapi-ocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val insertAll : ?base_url:string -> ?std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> projectId:string -> datasetId:string -> tableId:string -> GapiBigqueryV2Model.TableDataInsertAllRequest.t -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiBigqueryV2Model.TableDataInsertAllResponse.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Streams data into BigQuery one record at a time without needing to run a load job. Requires the WRITER dataset role.

  • parameter base_url

    Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

  • parameter std_params

    Optional standard parameters.

  • parameter projectId

    Project ID of the destination table.

  • parameter datasetId

    Dataset ID of the destination table.

  • parameter tableId

    Table ID of the destination table.

val list : ?base_url:string -> ?std_params:GapiService.StandardParameters.t -> ?maxResults:int -> ?pageToken:string -> ?startIndex:string -> projectId:string -> datasetId:string -> tableId:string -> GapiConversation.Session.t -> GapiBigqueryV2Model.TableDataList.t * GapiConversation.Session.t

Retrieves table data from a specified set of rows. Requires the READER dataset role.

  • parameter base_url

    Service endpoint base URL (defaults to "").

  • parameter std_params

    Optional standard parameters.

  • parameter maxResults

    Maximum number of results to return

  • parameter pageToken

    Page token, returned by a previous call, identifying the result set

  • parameter startIndex

    Zero-based index of the starting row to read

  • parameter projectId

    Project ID of the table to read

  • parameter datasetId

    Dataset ID of the table to read

  • parameter tableId

    Table ID of the table to read