package hardcaml_xilinx_reports

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Vivado synthesis project generation.

module Config : sig ... end

Project configuration.

type t
val create : ?database:Hardcaml.Circuit_database.t -> ?config:Config.t -> ?place:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.Bool.t -> ?route:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.Bool.t -> ?checkpoint:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.Bool.t -> clocks:Clock.t Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.List.t -> part_name:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.String.t -> output_path:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.String.t -> Hardcaml.Circuit.t -> t

Create a Vivado project. This consists of the RTL generated for the given Circuit.t and project files. The function should be passed a list of top level clocks which specify the port name and requested frequency. part_name is the full FPGA part name including package a speed-grade. Files will be written to output_path. Performs synthesis by default but will also optionally run placement and routing.

val run : ?verbose:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.Bool.t -> ?path_to_vivado:Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.String.t -> t -> Report.t Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.Option.t Async.Deferred.t

Execute a project generated with create.

Uses Unix.system to run vivado in batch mode.

val output_path : t -> Hardcaml_xilinx_reports__.Import.String.t

Output path where reports, artifacts and verilog files for this project lives.


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