package irmin-bench

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Pretty printing of one or more summaries.

This file is NOT meant to be used from Tezos, as opposed to some other "trace_*" files.

This file contains A LOT of uninteresting boilerplate in order to build the pretty-printable table. Doing this using pandas-like multi-level dataframes would make the thing much more simpler.

module Summary = Trace_stat_summary
module Pb : sig ... end
val fprintf_result : Format.formatter -> string -> string -> string -> string -> string -> float -> unit
type summary = Summary.t
type scalar_format_fixed = [
  1. | `SM
  2. | `S3
  3. | `Sm
  4. | `Su
  5. | `RG
  6. | `RM
  7. | `Ri
  8. | `R3
  9. | `P

Seconds minutes, Seconds 3 digits, Seconds milli, Seconds micro, Real giga, Real mega, Real as integer, Real 3 digits, Percent

val pp_scalar_fixed : Format.formatter -> ([< `P | `R3 | `RG | `RM | `Ri | `S3 | `SM | `Sm | `Su ] * float) -> unit
module Table0 : sig ... end


module Table1 : sig ... end


module Table2 : sig ... end
module Table3 : sig ... end
module Table4 : sig ... end


val unsafe_pp : int -> Format.formatter -> string list -> Summary.t list -> unit
val pp : int -> Format.formatter -> (string list * Summary.t list) -> unit