package kubecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Affinity : sig ... end

Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules.

module Attached_volume : sig ... end

Attached_volume describes a volume attached to a node

Represents a Persistent Disk resource in Aws.

module Azure_disk_volume_source : sig ... end

Azure_disk represents an Azure Data Disk mount on the host and bind mount to the pod.

Azure_file represents an Azure File Service mount on the host and bind mount to the pod.

module Azure_file_volume_source : sig ... end

Azure_file represents an Azure File Service mount on the host and bind mount to the pod.

module Binding : sig ... end

Binding ties one object to another; for example, a pod is bound to a node by a scheduler. Deprecated in 1.7, please use the bindings subresource of pods instead.

module Capabilities : sig ... end

Adds and removes Posix capabilities from running containers.

Represents a Ceph Filesystem mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod Cephfs volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

module Ceph_fs_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Ceph Filesystem mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod Cephfs volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

module Cinder_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a cinder volume resource in Openstack. A Cinder volume must exist before mounting to a container. The volume must also be in the same region as the kubelet. Cinder volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Client_ip_config : sig ... end

Client_ip_config represents the configurations of Client Ip based session affinity.

module Component_condition : sig ... end

Information about the condition of a component.

module Component_status : sig ... end

Component_status (and Component_status_list) holds the cluster validation info.

module Component_status_list : sig ... end

Status of all the conditions for the component as a list of Component_status objects.

module Config_map : sig ... end

Config_map holds configuration data for pods to consume.

module Config_map_env_source : sig ... end

Config_map_env_source selects a Config_map to populate the environment variables with.

module Config_map_key_selector : sig ... end

Selects a key from a Config_map.

module Config_map_list : sig ... end

Config_map_list is a resource containing a list of Config_map objects.

module Config_map_projection : sig ... end

Adapts a Config_map into a projected volume.

module Config_map_volume_source : sig ... end

Adapts a Config_map into a volume.

module Container : sig ... end

A single application container that you want to run within a pod.

module Container_image : sig ... end

Describe a container image

module Container_port : sig ... end

Container_port represents a network port in a single container.

module Container_state : sig ... end

Container_state holds a possible state of container. Only one of its members may be specified. If none of them is specified, the default one is Container_state_waiting.

module Container_state_running : sig ... end

Container_state_running is a running state of a container.

module Container_state_terminated : sig ... end

Container_state_terminated is a terminated state of a container.

module Container_state_waiting : sig ... end

Container_state_waiting is a waiting state of a container.

module Container_status : sig ... end

Container_status contains details for the current status of this container.

module Csi_persistent_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents storage that is managed by an external Csi volume driver (beta feature)

module Daemon_endpoint : sig ... end

Daemon_endpoint contains information about a single Daemon endpoint.

module Downward_api_projection : sig ... end

Represents downward Api info for projecting into a projected volume. Note that this is identical to a downward_api volume source without the default mode.

module Downward_api_volume_file : sig ... end

Downward_api_volume_file represents information to create the file containing the pod field

module Downward_api_volume_source : sig ... end

Downward_api_volume_source represents a volume containing downward Api info. Downward Api volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Empty_dir_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents an empty directory for a pod. Empty directory volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Endpoint_address : sig ... end

Endpoint_address is a tuple that describes single Ip address.

module Endpoint_port : sig ... end

Endpoint_port is a tuple that describes a single port.

module Endpoint_subset : sig ... end

Endpoint_subset is a group of addresses with a common set of ports. The expanded set of endpoints is the Cartesian product of Addresses x Ports. For example, given: { Addresses: [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}], Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 8675}, {"name": "b", "port": 309}] } the resulting set of endpoints can be viewed as: a: [, ], b: [, ]

module Endpoints : sig ... end

Endpoints is a collection of endpoints that implement the actual service. Example: Name: "mysvc", Subsets: [ { Addresses: [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}], Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 8675}, {"name": "b", "port": 309}] }, { Addresses: [{"ip": ""}], Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 93}, {"name": "b", "port": 76}] }, ]

module Endpoints_list : sig ... end

Endpoints_list is a list of endpoints.

module Env_from_source : sig ... end

Env_from_source represents the source of a set of Config_maps

module Env_var : sig ... end

Env_var represents an environment variable present in a Container.

module Env_var_source : sig ... end

Env_var_source represents a source for the value of an Env_var.

module Event : sig ... end

Event is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.

module Event_list : sig ... end

Event_list is a list of events.

module Event_series : sig ... end

Event_series contain information on series of events, i.e. thing that was/is happening continuously for some time.

module Event_source : sig ... end

Event_source contains information for an event.

module Exec_action : sig ... end

Exec_action describes a "run in container" action.

module Fc_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Fibre Channel volume. Fibre Channel volumes can only be mounted as read/write once. Fibre Channel volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Flex_persistent_volume_source : sig ... end

Flex_persistent_volume_source represents a generic persistent volume resource that is provisioned/attached using an exec based plugin.

module Flex_volume_source : sig ... end

Flex_volume represents a generic volume resource that is provisioned/attached using an exec based plugin.

module Flocker_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Flocker volume mounted by the Flocker agent. One and only one of dataset_name and dataset_uuid should be set. Flocker volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

Represents a Persistent Disk resource in Google Compute Engine.

module Git_repo_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a volume that is populated with the contents of a git repository. Git repo volumes do not support ownership management. Git repo volumes support Se_linux relabeling.

module Glusterfs_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Glusterfs mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. Glusterfs volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

module Handler : sig ... end

Handler defines a specific action that should be taken

module Host_alias : sig ... end

Host_alias holds the mapping between Ip and hostnames that will be injected as an entry in the pod's hosts file.

module Host_path_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a host path mapped into a pod. Host path volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

module Http_get_action : sig ... end

Http_get_action describes an action based on Http Get requests.

module Http_header : sig ... end

Http_header describes a custom header to be used in Http probes

module Iscsi_persistent_volume_source : sig ... end

Iscsi_persistent_volume_source represents an Iscsi disk. Iscsi volumes can only be mounted as read/write once. Iscsi volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Iscsi_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents an Iscsi disk. Iscsi volumes can only be mounted as read/write once. Iscsi volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Key_to_path : sig ... end

Maps a string key to a path within a volume.

module Lifecycle : sig ... end

Lifecycle describes actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. For the Post_start and Pre_stop lifecycle handlers, management of the container blocks until the action is complete, unless the container process fails, in which case the handler is aborted.

module Limit_range : sig ... end

Limit_range sets resource usage limits for each kind of resource in a Namespace.

module Limit_range_item : sig ... end

Limit_range_item defines a min/max usage limit for any resource that matches on kind.

module Limit_range_list : sig ... end

Limit_range_list is a list of Limit_range items.

module Limit_range_spec : sig ... end

Limit_range_spec defines a min/max usage limit for resources that match on kind.

module Load_balancer_ingress : sig ... end

Load_balancer_ingress represents the status of a load_balancer ingress point: traffic intended for the service should be sent to an ingress point.

module Load_balancer_status : sig ... end

Load_balancer_status represents the status of a load_balancer.

module Local_object_reference : sig ... end

Local_object_reference contains enough information to let you locate the referenced object inside the same namespace.

module Local_volume_source : sig ... end

Local represents directly_attached storage with node affinity

module Namespace : sig ... end

Namespace provides a scope for Names. Use of multiple namespaces is optional.

module Namespace_list : sig ... end

Namespace_list is a list of Namespaces.

module Namespace_spec : sig ... end

Namespace_spec describes the attributes on a Namespace.

module Namespace_status : sig ... end

Namespace_status is information about the current status of a Namespace.

module Nfs_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents an Nfs mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. Nfs volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

module Node : sig ... end

Node is a worker node in Kubernetes. Each node will have a unique identifier in the cache (i.e. in etcd).

module Node_address : sig ... end

Node_address contains information for the node's address.

module Node_affinity : sig ... end

Node affinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules.

module Node_condition : sig ... end

Node_condition contains condition information for a node.

module Node_config_source : sig ... end

Node_config_source specifies a source of node configuration. Exactly one subfield (excluding metadata) must be non_nil.

module Node_daemon_endpoints : sig ... end

Node_daemon_endpoints lists ports opened by daemons running on the Node.

module Node_list : sig ... end

Node_list is the whole list of all Nodes which have been registered with master.

module Node_selector : sig ... end

A node selector represents the union of the results of one or more label queries over a set of nodes; that is, it represents the Or of the selectors represented by the node selector terms.

module Node_selector_requirement : sig ... end

A node selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

module Node_selector_term : sig ... end

A null or empty node selector term matches no objects.

module Node_spec : sig ... end

Node_spec describes the attributes that a node is created with.

module Node_status : sig ... end

Node_status is information about the current status of a node.

module Node_system_info : sig ... end

Node_system_info is a set of ids/uuids to uniquely identify the node.

module Object_field_selector : sig ... end

Object_field_selector selects an Api_versioned field of an object.

module Object_reference : sig ... end

Object_reference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.

module Persistent_volume : sig ... end

Persistent_volume (pv) is a storage resource provisioned by an administrator. It is analogous to a node. More info:

module Persistent_volume_claim : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_claim is a user's request for and claim to a persistent volume

Persistent_volume_claim_condition contails details about state of pvc

module Persistent_volume_claim_list : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_claim_list is a list of Persistent_volume_claim items.

module Persistent_volume_claim_spec : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_claim_spec describes the common attributes of storage devices and allows a Source for provider_specific attributes

module Persistent_volume_claim_status : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_claim_status is the current status of a persistent volume claim.

Persistent_volume_claim_volume_source references the user's Pvc in the same namespace. This volume finds the bound Pv and mounts that volume for the pod. A Persistent_volume_claim_volume_source is, essentially, a wrapper around another type of volume that is owned by someone else (the system).

module Persistent_volume_list : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_list is a list of Persistent_volume items.

module Persistent_volume_spec : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_spec is the specification of a persistent volume.

module Persistent_volume_status : sig ... end

Persistent_volume_status is the current status of a persistent volume.

Represents a Photon Controller persistent disk resource.

module Pod : sig ... end

Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.

module Pod_affinity : sig ... end

Pod affinity is a group of inter pod affinity scheduling rules.

module Pod_affinity_term : sig ... end

Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the label_selector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co_located (affinity) or not co_located (anti_affinity) with, where co_located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key <topology_key> matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running

module Pod_anti_affinity : sig ... end

Pod anti affinity is a group of inter pod anti affinity scheduling rules.

module Pod_condition : sig ... end

Pod_condition contains details for the current condition of this pod.

module Pod_dns_config : sig ... end

Pod_dns_config defines the Dns parameters of a pod in addition to those generated from Dns_policy.

module Pod_dns_config_option : sig ... end

Pod_dns_config_option defines Dns resolver options of a pod.

module Pod_list : sig ... end

Pod_list is a list of Pods.

module Pod_security_context : sig ... end

Pod_security_context holds pod_level security attributes and common container settings. Some fields are also present in container.security_context. Field values of container.security_context take precedence over field values of Pod_security_context.

module Pod_spec : sig ... end

Pod_spec is a description of a pod.

module Pod_status : sig ... end

Pod_status represents information about the status of a pod. Status may trail the actual state of a system.

module Pod_template : sig ... end

Pod_template describes a template for creating copies of a predefined pod.

module Pod_template_list : sig ... end

Pod_template_list is a list of Pod_templates.

module Pod_template_spec : sig ... end

Pod_template_spec describes the data a pod should have when created from a template

module Portworx_volume_source : sig ... end

Portworx_volume_source represents a Portworx volume resource.

module Preferred_scheduling_term : sig ... end

An empty preferred scheduling term matches all objects with implicit weight 0 (i.e. it's a no_op). A null preferred scheduling term matches no objects (i.e. is also a no_op).

module Probe : sig ... end

Probe describes a health check to be performed against a container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.

module Projected_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a projected volume source

module Quobyte_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Quobyte mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. Quobyte volumes do not support ownership management or Se_linux relabeling.

module Rbd_persistent_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Rados Block Device mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. Rbd volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Rbd_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Rados Block Device mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod. Rbd volumes support ownership management and Se_linux relabeling.

module Replication_controller : sig ... end

Replication_controller represents the configuration of a replication controller.

Replication_controller_condition describes the state of a replication controller at a certain point.

module Replication_controller_list : sig ... end

Replication_controller_list is a collection of replication controllers.

module Replication_controller_spec : sig ... end

Replication_controller_spec is the specification of a replication controller.

module Replication_controller_status : sig ... end

Replication_controller_status represents the current status of a replication controller.

module Resource_field_selector : sig ... end

Resource_field_selector represents container resources (cpu, memory) and their output format

module Resource_quota : sig ... end

Resource_quota sets aggregate quota restrictions enforced per namespace

module Resource_quota_list : sig ... end

Resource_quota_list is a list of Resource_quota items.

module Resource_quota_spec : sig ... end

Resource_quota_spec defines the desired hard limits to enforce for Quota.

module Resource_quota_status : sig ... end

Resource_quota_status defines the enforced hard limits and observed use.

module Resource_requirements : sig ... end

Resource_requirements describes the compute resource requirements.

Scale_io_persistent_volume_source represents a persistent Scale_io volume

module Scale_io_volume_source : sig ... end

Scale_io_volume_source represents a persistent Scale_io volume

module Se_linux_options : sig ... end

Se_linux_options are the labels to be applied to the container

module Secret : sig ... end

Secret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values in the Data field must be less than Max_secret_size bytes.

module Secret_env_source : sig ... end

Secret_env_source selects a Secret to populate the environment variables with.

module Secret_key_selector : sig ... end

Secret_key_selector selects a key of a Secret.

module Secret_list : sig ... end

Secret_list is a list of Secret.

module Secret_projection : sig ... end

Adapts a secret into a projected volume.

module Secret_reference : sig ... end

Secret_reference represents a Secret Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace

module Secret_volume_source : sig ... end

Adapts a Secret into a volume.

module Security_context : sig ... end

Security_context holds security configuration that will be applied to a container. Some fields are present in both Security_context and Pod_security_context. When both are set, the values in Security_context take precedence.

module Service : sig ... end

Service is a named abstraction of software service (for example, mysql) consisting of local port (for example 3306) that the proxy listens on, and the selector that determines which pods will answer requests sent through the proxy.

module Service_account : sig ... end

Service_account binds together: * a name, understood by users, and perhaps by peripheral systems, for an identity * a principal that can be authenticated and authorized * a set of secrets

module Service_account_list : sig ... end

Service_account_list is a list of Service_account objects

module Service_list : sig ... end

Service_list holds a list of services.

module Service_port : sig ... end

Service_port contains information on service's port.

module Service_spec : sig ... end

Service_spec describes the attributes that a user creates on a service.

module Service_status : sig ... end

Service_status represents the current status of a service.

module Session_affinity_config : sig ... end

Session_affinity_config represents the configurations of session affinity.

Represents a Storage_os persistent volume resource.

module Storage_os_volume_source : sig ... end

Represents a Storage_os persistent volume resource.

module Taint : sig ... end

The node this Taint is attached to has the "effect" on any pod that does not tolerate the Taint.

module Tcp_socket_action : sig ... end

Tcp_socket_action describes an action based on opening a socket

module Toleration : sig ... end

The pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple <key,value,effect> using the matching operator <operator>.

module Volume : sig ... end

Volume represents a named volume in a pod that may be accessed by any container in the pod.

module Volume_device : sig ... end

volume_device describes a mapping of a raw block device within a container.

module Volume_mount : sig ... end

Volume_mount describes a mounting of a Volume within a container.

module Volume_node_affinity : sig ... end

Volume_node_affinity defines constraints that limit what nodes this volume can be accessed from.

module Volume_projection : sig ... end

Projection that may be projected along with other supported volume types

Represents a v_sphere volume resource.

module Weighted_pod_affinity_term : sig ... end

The weights of all of the matched Weighted_pod_affinity_term fields are added per_node to find the most preferred node(s)