package links
A generic interface for SQL-style databases. Vendor-specific implementations are elsewhere
class virtual db_args : string -> object ... end
val value_of_db_string : string -> Types.datatype -> Value.t
val execute_command : string -> Value.database -> Value.t
val execute_select_result :
(string * Types.datatype) list ->
string ->
Value.database ->
Value.dbvalue * (string * (Types.datatype * int)) list
val build_result :
(Value.dbvalue * (string * (Types.datatype * int)) list) ->
val execute_select :
(string * Types.datatype) list ->
string ->
Value.database ->
execute_select [row1; row2; ...] sql db
runs the query sql
on the database db
and interprets the results according to the field types of the row
i. This should really take an alist of fieldname -> fieldtype.
val execute_untyped_select : string -> Value.database -> Value.t
val execute_insert :
(string * string list * string list list) ->
Value.database ->
val execute_insert_returning :
(string * string list * string list list * string) ->
Value.database ->
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"