package lua-ml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type USERTYPE = sig ... end
module type TYPEVIEW = sig ... end
module type COMBINED_CORE = sig ... end
module type COMBINED_VIEWS = sig ... end
module type COMBINED_TYPE = sig ... end
module type CORE = sig ... end
module type BARECODE = functor (C : CORE) -> sig ... end
module type USERCODE = sig ... end
module WithType (T : USERTYPE) (L : BARECODE) : USERCODE with type 'a userdata' = 'a T.t
module Combine : sig ... end
module Lift (T : COMBINED_TYPE) (View : TYPEVIEW with type 'a t = 'a T.t) : COMBINED_VIEWS with type 'a t = 'a View.combined with type 'a TV1.t = 'a T.TV1.t with type 'a TV2.t = 'a T.TV2.t with type 'a TV3.t = 'a T.TV3.t with type 'a TV4.t = 'a T.TV4.t with type 'a TV5.t = 'a T.TV5.t with type 'a TV6.t = 'a T.TV6.t with type 'a TV7.t = 'a T.TV7.t with type 'a TV8.t = 'a T.TV8.t with type 'a TV9.t = 'a T.TV9.t with type 'a TV10.t = 'a T.TV10.t