package lutin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A simple front-end to the lutin Random toss machinary

val verbose : int ref
val draw : ?number:int -> Exp.var list -> Exp.var list -> Exp.formula -> (string * bool) list list

draw bvl nvl f draw values according to constraints contained in f

  • bvl contains Bool vars to gen
  • nvl contains numeric vars to gen
  • bvl and nvl should contains at least all the variables appearing in f.
  • The optional argument number controls the number of draw to be done (1 by default)
val draw_in_dimacs_file : ?number:int -> string -> (string * bool) list list

draw_in_dimacs_file dimacs_file

Do the same job a draw, by looking for constraints in a dimacs file


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