package melange

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Operators
Module type
Class type
type +'a null

A value of this type can be either null or 'a. This type is the same as type t in Null

type +'a undefined

A value of this type can be either undefined or 'a. This type is the same as type t in Undefined

type +'a nullable

A value of this type can be undefined, null or 'a. This type is the same as type t n Nullable

type re

The type for JavaScript RegExp

type 'a dict

The type for a simple key-value dictionary abstraction over native JavaScript objects

type 'a iterator

The type for JavaScript iterators

type 'a array_like

The type for array-like objects in JavaScript

type bigint

The type for JavaScript BigInt

val toOption : 'a nullable -> 'a option
val undefinedToOption : 'a undefined -> 'a option
val nullToOption : 'a null -> 'a option
val isNullable : 'a nullable -> bool
val testAny : 'a -> bool

The same as isNullable except that it is more permissive on the types of input

val null : 'a null

The same as empty in Js.Null will be compiled as null

val undefined : 'a undefined

The same as empty Js.Undefined will be compiled as undefined

val typeof : 'a -> string

typeof x will be compiled as typeof x in JS Please consider functions in Types for a type safe way of reflection

val log : 'a -> unit

A convenience function to log everything

val log2 : 'a -> 'b -> unit
val log3 : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit
val log4 : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> unit
val logMany : 'a array -> unit

A convenience function to log more than 4 arguments

val eqNull : 'a -> 'a null -> bool
val eqUndefined : 'a -> 'a undefined -> bool
val eqNullable : 'a -> 'a nullable -> bool
val unsafe_lt : 'a -> 'a -> bool

unsafe_lt a b will be compiled as a < b. It is marked as unsafe, since it is impossible to give a proper semantics for comparision which applies to any type

val unsafe_le : 'a -> 'a -> bool

unsafe_le a b will be compiled as a <= b. See also unsafe_lt

val unsafe_gt : 'a -> 'a -> bool

unsafe_gt a b will be compiled as a > b. See also unsafe_lt

val unsafe_ge : 'a -> 'a -> bool

unsafe_ge a b will be compiled as a >= b. See also unsafe_lt

Types for JS objects

type 'a t

This used to be mark a Js object type.

module Exn : sig ... end

Utilities for dealing with Js exceptions

module String : sig ... end

Bindings to the functions in String.prototype

module Null : sig ... end

Utility functions on null

module Undefined : sig ... end

Utility functions on undefined

module Nullable : sig ... end

Utility functions on nullable

module Array : sig ... end

Bindings to the functions in Array.prototype

module Re : sig ... end

Bindings to the functions in RegExp.prototype

module Promise : sig ... end

Bindings to JS Promise functions

module Date : sig ... end

Bindings to the functions in JS's Date.prototype

module Dict : sig ... end

Utility functions to treat a JS object as a dictionary

module Global : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in the JS global namespace

module Json : sig ... end

Utility functions to manipulate JSON values

module Math : sig ... end

Bindings to the functions in the Math object

module Obj : sig ... end

Utility functions on `Js.t` JS objects

module Typed_array : sig ... end

Bindings to the functions in TypedArray.prototype

module Types : sig ... end

Utility functions for runtime reflection on JS types

module Float : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in JavaScript's Number that deal with floats

module Int : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in JavaScript's Number that deal with ints

module Bigint : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in JavaScript's BigInt

module Console : sig ... end
module Set : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in Set

module WeakSet : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in WeakSet

module Map : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in Map

module WeakMap : sig ... end

Bindings to functions in WeakMap

module Iterator : sig ... end

Bindings to functions on Iterator


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