package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module V1 : sig ... end

A slot header.

include Versioned_data.S with type t = V1.t
type versioned

The type of versioned values, including the one that is currently used and the previous ones.

Encoding for versioned values, corresponds to the one defined by the protocol.

val of_versioned : versioned -> V1.t

Conversion to the currently used representation. In practice this function must provide ways to translate values of older versions to the latest one.

val to_versioned : V1.t -> versioned

Wrapping a current value as a versioned one.

include module type of V1 with type id = and type t = V1.t

A slot header.

type id = = {
  1. published_level : int32;
  2. index : Slot_index.t;
type t = V1.t = {
  1. id : id;
  2. commitment : Commitment.t;

Encoding for V1 matches Protocol.Alpha_context.Dal.Slot.Header.encoding.


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