package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Utilities used to run the PVM

type phase =
  1. | Decoding
  2. | Initialising
  3. | Linking
  4. | Evaluating
  5. | Padding

the different phases in a top level call

val do_while : ('a -> bool Lwt.t) -> ('a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t

do_while reboot f a apply f on a state a regardless of it's type. Will reboot at the end of the last phase according to reboot.

val run_loop : ?reboot:('a -> bool Lwt.t) option -> ('a -> phase -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t

run_loop ~reboot f a folds f on all phases of an exection on a state a regardless of it's type. Will reboot at the end of the last phase according to the reboot predicate.

val show_phase : phase -> string

show_phase phase returns the name of a given phase, for debugging and logging.

execute the PVM until a the end of a top level call e.g. until a snapshotable state is reached

execute_on_state ~reveal_builtins phase state Execute a given phase of the execution loop on the state.

Execute one top level call using fast execution.

val run : Lwt_io.file_name -> (string -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

run path k execute k on the content of the file at path

val initial_boot_sector_from_kernel : ?max_tick:int64 -> string -> Pvm_instance.Wasm.tree Lwt.t

initial_boot_sector_from_kernel "src/lib_scoru_wasm/bench/inputs/my_kernel.wasm" initialize a state from a kernel (byte format)

type input =
  1. | File of string
  2. | Str of string

Inputs can be given : as a filename containing the input, or directly as a string.

type message =
  1. | Transfer of input
  2. | Other of input
  3. | Encoded of input

Types of messages to send to inbox. Can be either already encoded, or not. If it's not encoded then it must be designated as Deposit or Other to allow encoding

val load_messages : message list -> int32 -> Pvm_instance.Wasm.tree -> Pvm_instance.Wasm.tree Lwt.t

load_messages messages level state sends messages to the inbox, at a given level. Will fail if the VM is not accepting input, and advance until next Snapshot.


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