package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



include Testable_durable_sig with type t = D.t with type key = D.key
type t = D.t
type key = D.key
val encoding : t Tezos_tree_encoding.t
val max_key_length : int
val key_of_string_exn : string -> key
val key_of_string_opt : string -> key option
val find_value : t -> key -> bytes option Lwt.t
val find_value_exn : t -> key -> bytes Lwt.t
val copy_tree_exn : t -> ?edit_readonly:bool -> key -> key -> t Lwt.t
val move_tree_exn : t -> key -> key -> t Lwt.t
val list : t -> key -> string list Lwt.t
val count_subtrees : t -> key -> int Lwt.t
val subtree_name_at : t -> key -> int -> string Lwt.t
val delete : ?edit_readonly:bool -> t -> key -> t Lwt.t
val set_value_exn : t -> ?edit_readonly:bool -> key -> string -> t Lwt.t
val write_value_exn : t -> ?edit_readonly:bool -> key -> int64 -> string -> t Lwt.t
val read_value_exn : t -> key -> int64 -> int64 -> string Lwt.t
module Internal_for_tests : sig ... end
val print_collected_statistic : unit -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.