package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast end
val pp_void : 'a -> 'b -> 'c
val show_testop : testop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_testop : vec_testop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_relop : vec_relop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_unop : vec_unop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_binop : vec_binop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_cvtop : vec_cvtop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_shiftop : vec_shiftop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_bitmaskop : vec_bitmaskop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_vtestop : vec_vtestop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_vunop : vec_vunop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_vbinop : vec_vbinop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_vternop : vec_vternop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_splatop : vec_splatop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_extractop : vec_extractop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_replaceop : vec_replaceop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type ('t, 'p) memop = ('t, 'p) Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.memop = {
  1. ty : 't;
  2. align : int;
  3. offset : int32;
  4. pack : 'p;
val show_loadop : loadop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_storeop : storeop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_loadop : vec_loadop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_storeop : vec_storeop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_vec_laneop : vec_laneop -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type name = string
type name_list = int list
type block_type = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.block_type =
  1. | VarBlockType of var
  2. | ValBlockType of Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Types.value_type option
val show_block_type : block_type -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type block_label = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.block_label =
  1. | Block_label of int32
val show_block_label : block_label -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type instr' = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.instr' =
  1. | Unreachable
  2. | Nop
  3. | Drop
  4. | Select of Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Types.value_type list option
  5. | Block of block_type * block_label
  6. | Loop of block_type * block_label
  7. | If of block_type * block_label * block_label
  8. | Br of var
  9. | BrIf of var
  10. | BrTable of var list * var
  11. | Return
  12. | Call of var
  13. | CallIndirect of var * var
  14. | LocalGet of var
  15. | LocalSet of var
  16. | LocalTee of var
  17. | GlobalGet of var
  18. | GlobalSet of var
  19. | TableGet of var
  20. | TableSet of var
  21. | TableSize of var
  22. | TableGrow of var
  23. | TableFill of var
  24. | TableCopy of var * var
  25. | TableInit of var * var
  26. | ElemDrop of var
  27. | Load of loadop
  28. | Store of storeop
  29. | VecLoad of vec_loadop
  30. | VecStore of vec_storeop
  31. | VecLoadLane of vec_laneop
  32. | VecStoreLane of vec_laneop
  33. | MemorySize
  34. | MemoryGrow
  35. | MemoryFill
  36. | MemoryCopy
  37. | MemoryInit of var
  38. | DataDrop of var
  39. | RefNull of Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Types.ref_type
  40. | RefFunc of var
  41. | RefIsNull
  42. | Const of num
  43. | Test of testop
  44. | Compare of relop
  45. | Unary of unop
  46. | Binary of binop
  47. | Convert of cvtop
  48. | VecConst of vec
  49. | VecTest of vec_testop
  50. | VecCompare of vec_relop
  51. | VecUnary of vec_unop
  52. | VecBinary of vec_binop
  53. | VecConvert of vec_cvtop
  54. | VecShift of vec_shiftop
  55. | VecBitmask of vec_bitmaskop
  56. | VecTestBits of vec_vtestop
  57. | VecUnaryBits of vec_vunop
  58. | VecBinaryBits of vec_vbinop
  59. | VecTernaryBits of vec_vternop
  60. | VecSplat of vec_splatop
  61. | VecExtract of vec_extractop
  62. | VecReplace of vec_replaceop
val show_instr' : instr' -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
and segment_mode' = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.segment_mode' =
  1. | Passive
  2. | Active of {
    1. index : var;
    2. offset : const;
  3. | Declarative
type data_label = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.data_label =
  1. | Data_label of int32
val show_data_label : data_label -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
and export_desc' = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.export_desc' =
  1. | FuncExport of var
  2. | TableExport of var
  3. | MemoryExport of var
  4. | GlobalExport of var
and import' = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.import' = {
  1. module_name : name;
  2. item_name : name;
  3. idesc : import_desc;
type block_table = instr Vector.t Vector.t
type allocations = Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Ast.allocations = {
  1. mutable blocks : block_table;
  2. mutable datas : datas_table;
val empty_allocations : unit -> allocations
val make_allocation_state : block_table -> datas_table -> allocations
val alloc_block : allocations -> block_label
val add_to_block : allocations -> block_label -> instr -> unit Lwt.t
val alloc_data : allocations -> int64 -> data_label
val add_to_data : allocations -> data_label -> int64 -> int -> unit Lwt.t
val empty_module : unit -> module_'
val get_data : data_label -> 'a Vector.t -> 'a Lwt.t
val string_of_name : string -> string

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