package octez-l2-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val is_stuck : tree -> Wasm_pvm_errors.t option Lwt.t
val set_maximum_reboots_per_input : Z.t -> tree -> tree Lwt.t
val decr_reboot_counter : tree -> tree Lwt.t
val reset_reboot_counter : tree -> tree Lwt.t
val compute_step_many_until : wasm_entrypoint:string -> ?max_steps:int64 -> ?reveal_builtins:Builtins.reveals -> ?write_debug:Builtins.write_debug -> (Wasm_pvm_state.Internal_state.pvm_state -> bool Lwt.t) -> tree -> (tree * int64) Lwt.t
include Unsafe with type tree := tree
val get_max_nb_ticks : tree -> Z.t Lwt.t

Retrieve the maximum number of ticks for the PVM from the state.

val set_max_nb_ticks : Z.t -> tree -> tree Lwt.t

Change the maximum number of ticks (per snapshot) of the WASM PVM. This is to be used only for tests or to increase the tick limit in a non-refutable setting.

include Wasm_vm_sig.Internal_for_tests with type state := tree
val compute_step_many_with_hooks : ?reveal_builtins:Builtins.reveals -> ?write_debug:Builtins.write_debug -> ?after_fast_exec:(unit -> unit) -> ?stop_at_snapshot:bool -> wasm_entrypoint:string -> max_steps:int64 -> tree -> (tree * int64) Lwt.t

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