package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Rcm : Core_sig.Rcm
module CV : Core_sig.CV
include Core_sig.Validator with module Commitment := Commitment and module CV := CV and module Nullifier := Nullifier
val init_params : unit -> unit

Loads the ZCash parameters for Groth16, searching them in:

  • /usr/share/zcash-params
  • ${OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX}/share/zcash-params
  • ${HOME}/.zcash-params Only Sapling's parameters are loaded, not Sprout's.

This function must be called before any of the proving and verification functions requiring a context. Usually you should not need to call this function directly as it is done by the fist call to `with_{proving,verification}_ctx`. However you can call this function in order to:

  • pay its cost upfront and have more predictable latency later
  • make sure that the parameters are present in the system and avoid a failure later.
module Ciphertext : sig ... end
module UTXO : Core_sig.UTXO with type ciphertext := Ciphertext.t and type commitment := Commitment.t and type cv := CV.t and type hash := Hash.t and type nullifier := Nullifier.t
module Verification : sig ... end
module Proving : sig ... end
module Forge : sig ... end

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