package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ask = R.ask

Authorisation spending key: secret key used to sign once randomized.

type nsk = R.nsk

Nullifier secret key. Used to compute nullifier.

type ovk = R.ovk
type expanded_spending_key = R.expanded_spending_key = {
  1. ask : ask;
  2. nsk : nsk;
  3. ovk : ovk;
val _to_expanded_spending_key : Bytes.t -> R.expanded_spending_key
type t = R.zip32_expanded_spending_key = {
  1. depth : Bytes.t;
  2. parent_fvk_tag : Bytes.t;
  3. child_index : Bytes.t;
  4. chain_code : Bytes.t;
  5. expsk : expanded_spending_key;
  6. dk : Bytes.t;

Type t contains ask, nsk, ovk and zip-32 related info.

val of_bytes : Bytes.t -> R.zip32_expanded_spending_key option
val encoding : t Data_encoding.encoding
type +=
  1. | Data of t
val child_index : t -> int32

Innovation. Community. Security.