package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type rk = Client.UTXO.rk

Randomised signature keys. All inputs are signed with a randomised version of a secret key. *

type spend_proof = Client.UTXO.spend_proof

Zero knowledge proofs needed to spend a transaction outputs. See spec section 4.15 *

type spend_sig = Client.UTXO.spend_sig

Signature needed to spend tokens. Computed with a randomised version of the secret key and verifies under a randomised version of the public key. Signs a hash of an input concatenated with an optional anti-replay string. *

type output_proof = Client.UTXO.output_proof

Zero-knowledge proof needed to create money. See spec section 4.15 *

type input = Client.UTXO.input = {
  1. cv : Client.CV.t;
  2. nf : Client.Nullifier.t;
  3. rk : rk;
  4. proof_i : spend_proof;
  5. signature : spend_sig;

Contains the necessary information to spend tokens (except the root which we include in the transaction). *

val input_encoding : input Data_encoding.t
type output = Client.UTXO.output = {
  1. cm : Client.Commitment.t;
  2. proof_o : output_proof;
  3. ciphertext : Client.Ciphertext.t;

Contains the necessary information to create tokens. *

val output_encoding : output Data_encoding.t
type binding_sig = Client.UTXO.binding_sig

Ties a transaction to a balance (difference between the tokens created and spent). Proves with the commitment values that sum of values of inputs minus sums of values of output equals balance. *

val binding_sig_encoding : binding_sig Data_encoding.t
val max_amount : int64

Maximum amount of shielded tokens. This value is imposed by librustzcash. *

val valid_amount : int64 -> bool
module Legacy = Validator.UTXO.Legacy
type transaction_new = Client.UTXO.transaction
type transaction = Client.UTXO.Legacy.transaction = {
  1. inputs : Client.UTXO.input list;
  2. outputs : Client.UTXO.output list;
  3. binding_sig : Client.UTXO.binding_sig;
  4. balance : int64;
  5. root : Client.Hash.t;
val transaction_encoding : transaction Data_encoding.t

Innovation. Community. Security.