package octez-plompiler
Encoding type for encapsulating encoding/decoding/input functions. This type enables us to use more structured types for data in circuits. For that, encoding is parameterized by 3 types:
- 'oh is the type of the high-level OCaml representation
- 'u is the unpacked type, i.e. a collection of atomic reprs.
- `p is the packed type, i.e the inner type of Plompiler's repr.
For example, for the representation of a point (pair of scalars), one might have: ( x:int; y:int
, scalar repr * scalar repr, scalar * scalar ) encoding
The first type, the record {x:int; y:int}
, represents an OCaml point, which becomes the argument taken by the input
The second type, scalar repr * scalar repr
, is an unpacking of the encoding. This is used for the result of decode
. We can use any type isomorphic to scalar repr * scalar repr
The last type must be scalar * scalar
, as an encoding of a point will be of the type (scalar * scalar) repr
module L : sig ... end
val conv :
('u1 -> 'u0) ->
('u0 -> 'u1) ->
('o1 -> 'o0) ->
('o0 -> 'o1) ->
('o0, 'u0, 'p) encoding ->
('o1, 'u1, 'p) encoding
The function conv
defines conversions for encoding
s, by changing the higher-level 'u
and and 'oh
val scalar_encoding : (Csir.Scalar.t, L.scalar L.repr, L.scalar) encoding
Encoding combinators
val atomic_obj6_encoding :
('a, 'b L.repr, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e L.repr, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h L.repr, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k L.repr, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n L.repr, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q L.repr, 'r) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * 'p)))),
('b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * 'q))))) L.repr,
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * 'r)))))
val obj7_encoding :
('a, 'b, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't, 'u) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * 's))))),
'b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * 't))))),
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * 'u))))))
val atomic_obj7_encoding :
('a, 'b L.repr, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e L.repr, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h L.repr, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k L.repr, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n L.repr, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q L.repr, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't L.repr, 'u) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * 's))))),
('b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * 't)))))) L.repr,
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * 'u))))))
val obj8_encoding :
('a, 'b, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't, 'u) encoding ->
('v, 'w, 'x) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * ('s * 'v)))))),
'b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * ('t * 'w)))))),
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * ('u * 'x)))))))
val atomic_obj8_encoding :
('a, 'b L.repr, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e L.repr, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h L.repr, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k L.repr, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n L.repr, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q L.repr, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't L.repr, 'u) encoding ->
('v, 'w L.repr, 'x) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * ('s * 'v)))))),
('b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * ('t * 'w))))))) L.repr,
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * ('u * 'x)))))))
val obj9_encoding :
('a, 'b, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't, 'u) encoding ->
('v, 'w, 'x) encoding ->
('y, 'z, 'a1) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * ('s * ('v * 'y))))))),
'b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * ('t * ('w * 'z))))))),
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * ('u * ('x * 'a1))))))))
val atomic_obj9_encoding :
('a, 'b L.repr, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e L.repr, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h L.repr, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k L.repr, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n L.repr, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q L.repr, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't L.repr, 'u) encoding ->
('v, 'w L.repr, 'x) encoding ->
('y, 'z L.repr, 'a1) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * ('s * ('v * 'y))))))),
('b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * ('t * ('w * 'z)))))))) L.repr,
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * ('u * ('x * 'a1))))))))
val obj10_encoding :
('a, 'b, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't, 'u) encoding ->
('v, 'w, 'x) encoding ->
('y, 'z, 'a1) encoding ->
('b1, 'c1, 'd1) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * ('s * ('v * ('y * 'b1)))))))),
'b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * ('t * ('w * ('z * 'c1)))))))),
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * ('u * ('x * ('a1 * 'd1)))))))))
val atomic_obj10_encoding :
('a, 'b L.repr, 'c) encoding ->
('d, 'e L.repr, 'f) encoding ->
('g, 'h L.repr, 'i) encoding ->
('j, 'k L.repr, 'l) encoding ->
('m, 'n L.repr, 'o) encoding ->
('p, 'q L.repr, 'r) encoding ->
('s, 't L.repr, 'u) encoding ->
('v, 'w L.repr, 'x) encoding ->
('y, 'z L.repr, 'a1) encoding ->
('b1, 'c1 L.repr, 'd1) encoding ->
('a * ('d * ('g * ('j * ('m * ('p * ('s * ('v * ('y * 'b1)))))))),
('b * ('e * ('h * ('k * ('n * ('q * ('t * ('w * ('z * 'c1))))))))) L.repr,
'c * ('f * ('i * ('l * ('o * ('r * ('u * ('x * ('a1 * 'd1)))))))))