package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A submodule containing affix operators the provide a convenient and idiosyncratic syntax for composing record and structure models.

val ($:) : 'r model -> ('v -> 'r) -> (element, 'v) bind

Use m $: f as an abbreviation of Element.required m f.

val ($?) : 'r model -> ('v -> 'r option) -> (element, 'v) bind

Use m $? f as an abbreviation of Element.optional m f.

val ($=) : 'r model -> 'r -> (element, 'v) bind

Use m $= v as an abbreviation of Element.constant m v.

val (%:) : ('k * 'r model) -> ('v -> 'r) -> ('k index, 'v) bind

Use m %: f as an abbreviation of Field.required m f.

val (%?) : ('k * 'r model) -> ('v -> 'r option) -> ('k index, 'v) bind

Use m %? f as an abbreviation of Field.optional m f.

val (%=) : ('k * 'r model) -> 'r -> ('k index, 'v) bind

Use m %= v as an abbreviation of Field.constant m v.

val (/=) : 'a model -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'b model

Use m /= f as an abbreviation of cast f m