package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Use the Create(B: Basis) functor in this module as a simpler method to create a data renderer profile that can make encoding schemes from abstract data models.

module type Basis = sig ... end

Use a model of this simpler signature to create a data renderer that specificall produces encoding schemes.

module Create (B : Basis) : Cf_data_render.Profile with type 'a scheme := 'a scheme

Use Create(B) to make a data renderer that produces encoding schemes according to the protocol defined in B.

val basis_control : 'a scheme -> ('a, 'b) Cf_data_render.control -> 'b scheme

Use basis_control m c to transform the encoding scheme m to a new scheme according to the rendering control c. Raises Invalid_argument if c has an unrecognized extensible variant tag, i.e. not one of the tags defined in

