package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type position

The distinguished simple position type (abstract).

module type Basis = Basis with type position = position and type 'a Form.t = 'a

The specialized basis signature of simple scanners.

module type Profile = Profile with type position := position and type 'a form := 'a

The specialized signature of simple scanner modules.

module Form : Form with type 'a t = 'a

The distinguished production form for undecorated values.

module Basis (S : Cf_relations.Equal) : Basis with type Symbol.t = S.t

Use Basis(S) to make the simple scanner basis for a symbol.

module Create (S : Cf_relations.Equal) : Profile with type symbol := S.t

Use Create(S) to make a simple scanner module.