package pyre-ast

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module provides a type that represents Python numerical binary operators.

type 'a t = private {
  1. add : 'a;

    Represents Python operator +.

  2. sub : 'a;

    Represents Python operator -.

  3. mult : 'a;

    Represents Python operator *.

  4. matmult : 'a;

    Represents Python operator @, as specified in PEP 465.

    As of Python 3.11, no builtin Python types implement this operator.

  5. div : 'a;

    Represents Python operator /.

  6. mod_ : 'a;

    Represents Python operator %.

  7. pow : 'a;

    Represents Python operator **.

  8. lshift : 'a;

    Represents Python operator <<.

  9. rshift : 'a;

    Represents Python operator >>.

  10. bitor : 'a;

    Represents Python operator |.

  11. bitxor : 'a;

    Represents Python operator ^.

  12. bitand : 'a;

    Represents Python operator &.

  13. floordiv : 'a;

    Represents Python operator //.

val make : add:'a -> sub:'a -> mult:'a -> matmult:'a -> div:'a -> mod_:'a -> pow:'a -> lshift:'a -> rshift:'a -> bitor:'a -> bitxor:'a -> bitand:'a -> floordiv:'a -> unit -> 'a t

Constructor of t.


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