package server-reason-react

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Externals and melange attributes

melange.ppx is designed to preprocess Melange programs (simplifying code generation for common use cases like generating bindings or code from types). It's not compatible with native, but if you want to share a module with melange.ppx we provide a drop-in replacement called: server-reason-react.melange_ppx.

Most of the features are shimmed to not work on the server and the compiler will warn to wrap it in browser_only expressions.

server-reason-react.melange_ppx supports

All mel. attributes

mel.* attributes are stripped out of the native build, and transformed into raising functions to raise at server runtime.

Enables pipe_first ->

Pipe first is the operator to apply a function to a value where data is passed as the first argument. -> is a convenient operator that allows you to "flip" your code inside-out.

It's not supported in native OCaml, but server-reason-react.melange_ppx enables it and works as expected.

Supports RegExp [%re "/regex/"]

Transforms [%re ...] into Js.Re.t from server-reason-react.js and it uses a C implementation of the regex engine from QuickJS from (Experimental)

Debugger %debugger

It removes the debugger in native. It's a noop on the server context, and it's pretty uncommon it's usage.

Supports Js.t (object access ## and mel.obj)

let john = {"name": "john", "age": 99};
/* The type of john is `{ . "age": int, "name": string }` which represents a
JavaScript Object. */
let name = john##name;

Object creation and object field access is designed to interact with JavaScript Objects, in native we reperesent those as OCaml Objects (which are very different) and server-reason-react-ppx.melange_ppx proviedes the implementation to make it work. (Experimental)


To use server-reason-react.melange_ppx you need to add it to your dune's pps field:

(preprocess (pps server-reason-react.melange_ppx)) 


How to structure the code


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