package stog

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


type t
val wrapper : t Ocf.wrapper
type url_config = {
  1. pub : t;
  2. priv : t;
val url_config_wrapper : url_config Ocf.wrapper
val default_url_config : t -> url_config
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val concat : t -> string -> t
val append : t -> string list -> t
val path : t -> string list
val with_path : t -> string list -> t
val remove_ending_slash : t -> t
val remove_query : t -> t
val with_fragment : t -> string option -> t

Accessing parts of URLs

Raise Failure if the requested part is not defined.

val scheme : t -> string
val port : t -> int
val host : t -> string