package tezos-protocol-010-PtGRANAD

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ('ta, 'tb) eq =
  1. | Eq : ('same, 'same) eq
type ex_comparable_ty =
  1. | Ex_comparable_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> ex_comparable_ty
type ex_ty =
  1. | Ex_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> ex_ty
type ex_stack_ty =
  1. | Ex_stack_ty : ('a, 's) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> ex_stack_ty
type ex_script =
  1. | Ex_script : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.script -> ex_script
type ('arg, 'storage) code = {
  1. code : (('arg, 'storage) Script_typed_ir.pair, (Script_typed_ir.operation Script_typed_ir.boxed_list, 'storage) Script_typed_ir.pair) Script_typed_ir.lambda;
  2. arg_type : 'arg Script_typed_ir.ty;
  3. storage_type : 'storage Script_typed_ir.ty;
  4. root_name : Script_typed_ir.field_annot option;
type ex_code =
  1. | Ex_code : ('a, 'c) code -> ex_code
type ('a, 's, 'b, 'u) cinstr = {
  1. apply : 'r 'f. ('a, 's) Script_typed_ir.kinfo -> ('b, 'u, 'r, 'f) Script_typed_ir.kinstr -> ('a, 's, 'r, 'f) Script_typed_ir.kinstr;
type ('a, 's, 'b, 'u) descr = {
  1. loc : Alpha_context.Script.location;
  2. bef : ('a, 's) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty;
  3. aft : ('b, 'u) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty;
  4. instr : ('a, 's, 'b, 'u) cinstr;
type tc_context =
  1. | Lambda : tc_context
  2. | Dip : ('a, 's) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty * tc_context -> tc_context
  3. | Toplevel : {
    1. storage_type : 'sto Script_typed_ir.ty;
    2. param_type : 'param Script_typed_ir.ty;
    3. root_name : Script_typed_ir.field_annot option;
    4. legacy_create_contract_literal : bool;
    } -> tc_context
type ('a, 's) judgement =
  1. | Typed : ('a, 's, 'b, 'u) descr -> ('a, 's) judgement
  2. | Failed : {
    1. descr : 'b 'u. ('b, 'u) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> ('a, 's, 'b, 'u) descr;
    } -> ('a, 's) judgement
type unparsing_mode =
  1. | Optimized
  2. | Readable
  3. | Optimized_legacy
val list_empty : 'a Script_typed_ir.boxed_list
val set_fold : ('elt -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'elt Script_typed_ir.set -> 'acc -> 'acc
val set_update : 'a -> bool -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set
val set_mem : 'elt -> 'elt Script_typed_ir.set -> bool
val empty_map : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> ('a, 'b)
val map_fold : ('key -> 'value -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> ('key, 'value) -> 'acc -> 'acc
val map_update : 'a -> 'b option -> ('a, 'b) -> ('a, 'b)
val map_mem : 'key -> ('key, 'value) -> bool
val map_get : 'key -> ('key, 'value) -> 'value option
val map_key_ty : ('a, 'b) -> 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty
val compare_address : Script_typed_ir.address -> Script_typed_ir.address -> int
val compare_comparable : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'a -> 'a -> int

parse_ty specialized for the right-hand side part of a big map type, i.e. the `value` in `big_map key value`.

parse_ty allowing big_map values, operations, contract and tickets.

val parse_ty : Alpha_context.context -> legacy:bool -> allow_lazy_storage:bool -> allow_operation:bool -> allow_contract:bool -> allow_ticket:bool -> Alpha_context.Script.node -> (ex_ty * Alpha_context.context) Tezos_protocol_environment_010_PtGRANAD.Error_monad.tzresult

We expose parse_ty for convenience to external tools. Please use specialized versions such as parse_packable_ty, parse_parameter_ty, parse_comparable_ty, or parse_big_map_value_ty if possible.

val ty_of_comparable_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty
val deduce_type_size : remaining:int -> 't Script_typed_ir.ty -> int

deduce_type_size ~remaining ty returns remaining minus the size of type ty or any negative value if that result would be negative. It is guaranteed to not grow the stack by more than remaining non-tail calls.

check_comparable_type_size ~legacy ctxt ~loc ty checks that the size of type ty is not larger than the constant maximum_type_size from the context ctxt. If the check fails, an error Type_too_large is returned. If legacy is true, there is no check at all and ok_unit is returned directly.

It is guaranteed to not grow the stack by more than maximum_type_size non-tail calls.

Combines parse_code and parse_storage

type lazy_storage_ids
val no_lazy_storage_id : lazy_storage_ids
val list_of_big_map_ids : lazy_storage_ids -> Alpha_context.Big_map.Id.t list

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