package tezt-tezos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | ParisB
  2. | ParisC
  3. | Alpha

Protocols we may want to test with.

val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
type constants =
  1. | Constants_sandbox
  2. | Constants_mainnet
  3. | Constants_mainnet_with_chain_id
  4. | Constants_test

Protocol parameters.

These values denote which file to use from the "parameters" directory.

val constants_to_string : constants -> string
val default_constants : constants

The default constants used by tests: Constants_sandbox.

val name : t -> string

Get the name of a protocol, capitalized (e.g. "Edo").

val number : t -> int

Get the number of a protocol, e.g. 012 for Ithaca.

The number for Alpha is the number it will have once snapshotted.

Use this to specify constraints that should not change once Alpha is snapshotted. For instance, number protocol >= 012 meant "at least Ithaca" even when Ithaca was still Alpha, while number protocol >= number Alpha stopped being true for Ithaca after it was snapshotted.

val directory : t -> string

Get the directory of a protocol (e.g. "proto_012_Psithaca").

val tag : t -> string

Get the name of a protocol as a tag, for use when registering tests (e.g. "edo").

val hash : t -> string

Get the full hash of a protocol.

val genesis_hash : string

Hash of protocol genesis

val demo_noops_hash : string

Hash of protocol demo_noops

val demo_counter_hash : string

Hash of protocol demo_counter

val protocol_zero_hash : string

Hash of protocol zero

val parameter_file : ?constants:constants -> t -> string

Get the location of the parameter file.

This returns the path to one of the parameter files of the "parameters" directory of the protocol, relative to the root of the repository.

val accuser : t -> Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t

Get the path of the accuser of a protocol, such as "./octez-accuser-alpha".

val baker : t -> Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t

Get the path of the baker of a protocol, such as "./octez-baker-alpha".

val daemon_name : t -> string

Get the part of the daemon name that is specific to a protocol (e.g. "PtEdo2Zk").

This should not be used for anything except to compute the name of executables.

val encoding_prefix : t -> string

Get the part which is added at the beginning of all encoding names.

type parameter_overrides = (string list * [ `None | `Int of int | `String_of_int of int | Tezt_wrapper.JSON.u ]) list

Values to override in protocol parameters.

They are pairs of JSON paths and optional values that can be used to override or remove (when the value is `None) the default parameters when activating a protocol.

`Int i is a short-hand for `Float (float i) and `String_of_int i is a short-hand for `String (string_of_int i).

type bootstrap_smart_rollup = {
  1. address : string;
  2. pvm_kind : string;
  3. boot_sector : string;
  4. parameters_ty : Ezjsonm.value;
  5. whitelist : string list option;
type bootstrap_contract = {
  1. delegate : string option;
  2. amount : Tez.t;
  3. script : Ezjsonm.value;
  4. hash : string option;
val default_bootstrap_balance : int

The value is the same as the one in src/proto_alpha/lib_parameters/

val write_parameter_file : ?bootstrap_accounts:(Account.key * int option) list -> ?additional_bootstrap_accounts:(Account.key * int option * bool) list -> ?bootstrap_smart_rollups:bootstrap_smart_rollup list -> ?bootstrap_contracts:bootstrap_contract list -> ?output_file:string -> base:(string, t * constants option) Either.t -> parameter_overrides -> string Lwt.t

Write a protocol parameter file.

This function first builds a default parameter file from the base parameter. If base is a string Either.t.Left, the string denotes a path to a parameter file like "src/proto_alpha/parameters/sandbox-parameters.json", which is taken as the base parameters. If base is a t*constantsoption Either.t.Right, the default parameters of the given protocol are the base parameters.

Then, the base parameters are tweaked with:

  • bootstrap_accounts, when given these accounts are used instead of Account.Bootstrap.keys
  • parameters_overrides
  • additional_bootstrap_accounts is a list of bootstrap accounts to add to activation parameters. Each account is a triplet (key, balance, revealed). If revealed the public key is added, else the public key hash is added. Revealed keys are expected to bake from the start. Default balance is 4000000 tez.
  • bootstrap_smart_rollups when given.
  • bootstrap_contracts when given.
  • output_file the path where to write the protocol parameter file, a Temp.file temporary file "parameters.json" by default.
val previous_protocol : t -> t option

Get the predecessor of a protocol.

WARNING: use of this function is discouraged, because it prevents the type-checker from telling you that your test can no longer run when removing a protocol.

val all : t list

Get the list of all protocols.

WARNING: use of this function is discouraged, because:

  • if we add protocols such as demo-noop or demo-counter to type t, it would be awkward to add them to all if all only contained "real" protocols up to now, and it would also be awkward not to add them to all;
  • it is easier for maintainers if the list of protocols a test runs on is clearly defined where the test is registered.
type supported_protocols =
  1. | Any_protocol
  2. | From_protocol of int
  3. | Until_protocol of int
  4. | Between_protocols of int * int
  5. | Has_predecessor
  6. | And of supported_protocols list
  7. | Or of supported_protocols list
  8. | Not of supported_protocols

Constraints on the set protocols that a test supports.

Do not use this to decide which protocols the test should run on, this is the role of the last argument of register_test and register_regression_test. Instead, declare what the test *could* run on.

  • Any_protocol: the test can run on all active protocols. This is the default.
  • From_protocol n: the test can run on protocols p such that number p >= n.
  • Until_protocol n: the test can run on protocols p such that number p <= n.
  • Between_protocols (a, b): the test can run on protocols p such that a <= number p <= b.
  • Has_predecessor: the test can run on protocols which have a predecessor according to previous_protocol.
  • And l: all predicates of l hold.
  • Or l: at least one predicate of l hold.
  • Not p: predicate p does not hold.

Always write the number itself, do not compute it. For instance, writing Until_protocol (number Alpha) would make your test not support the snapshotted version Alpha after Alpha is snapshotted, even though it actually does.

It is recommended to write protocol numbers with leading zeros. For instance, write From_protocol 008 instead of From_protocol 8.

val register_test : __FILE__:string -> title:string -> tags:string list -> ?uses:(t -> Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t list) -> ?uses_node:bool -> ?uses_client:bool -> ?uses_admin_client:bool -> ?supports:supported_protocols -> (t -> unit Lwt.t) -> t list -> unit

Register a test that uses the protocol.

This is the same as Test.register except that:

  • the name of the protocol is automatically added at the beginning of title;
  • the name of the protocol is automatically added as a tag in tags;
  • the function that implements the test takes a protocol as parameter;
  • an additional parameter gives the list of protocols to run the test on.

The list of protocol is the last parameter because this function is intended to be applied partially, without this list; the test function being the parameter of type t -> unit Lwt.t before the list. The list of protocols is specified in, next to the registration of all other tests, so that it is easy to see at a glance which tests run on which protocols.

If your test involves several protocols (for instance to test migration), use Test.register directly.

val register_long_test : __FILE__:string -> title:string -> tags:string list -> ?uses:(t -> Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t list) -> ?uses_node:bool -> ?uses_client:bool -> ?uses_admin_client:bool -> ?supports:supported_protocols -> ?team:string -> executors:Tezt_tezos_tezt_performance_regression.Long_test.executor list -> timeout:Tezt_tezos_tezt_performance_regression.Long_test.timeout -> (t -> unit Lwt.t) -> t list -> unit

Register a long-test that uses the propocol.

This is the same as Long_test.register, with the same differences as Protocol.register_test compared to Test.register.

val register_regression_test : __FILE__:string -> title:string -> tags:string list -> ?uses:(t -> Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t list) -> ?uses_node:bool -> ?uses_client:bool -> ?uses_admin_client:bool -> ?supports:supported_protocols -> (t -> unit Lwt.t) -> t list -> unit

Register a regression test that uses the protocol.

This is the same as Regression.register, with the same differences as Protocol.register_test compared to Test.register, and where output_file is parameterized by the protocol.

val with_predecessor : (previous_protocol:t -> protocol:t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a

Convert a function that expects two successive protocols into a function that expects only one.

The resulting function causes the test to fail if called on a protocol which does not have a predecessor. Use ~supports:Has_predecessor to prevent this.

Typical usage:

Protocol.register_test ...
@@ Protocol.with_predecessor
@@ fun ~previous_protocol ~protocol ->

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