package tezt-tezos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val octez_client : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_admin_client : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_node : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_proxy_server : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_codec : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_snoop : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_protocol_compiler : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_dal_node : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_dac_node : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_dac_client : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_smart_rollup_node : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_evm_node : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_signer : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val octez_injector_server : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val smart_rollup_installer : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val _octez_smart_rollup_wasm_debugger : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val _octez_accuser_Ptoxford : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
val _octez_baker_Ptoxford : Tezt_wrapper.Uses.t
module WASM : sig ... end
val released_executables : string
val experimental_executables : string
val default_host : string

Default hostname to use for endpoints when no specific one is required.

val activator : Account.key

Key pair used to activate a protocol from genesis with --network sandbox. The public key is hard-coded in the node.

val bootstrap1 : Tezt_tezos__Account.key
val bootstrap2 : Tezt_tezos__Account.key
val bootstrap3 : Tezt_tezos__Account.key
val bootstrap4 : Tezt_tezos__Account.key
val bootstrap5 : Tezt_tezos__Account.key
val all_secret_keys : Account.key list
val implicit_account_burn : Tez.t

The default burn for an implicit account.

val max_op_ttl : int

The default time to live of an operation (in block)

val manager_operation_gas_cost : protocol:'a -> int

Constant gas cost required for every manager operation. Should match Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.manager_operation.

val sc_rollup_compressed_state : string

A valid base58 encoded compressed state hash.

val aggregate_tz4_account : Account.aggregate_key

A valid base58 encoded layer-2 account to be used to test transaction and smart contract rollups.

val tz4_account : Account.key

The same as aggregate_tz4_account but for use on layer 1.

val wasm_echo_kernel_boot_sector : string

The `echo` kernel that is listed in the “Smart Optimistic Rollups” section of the reference manual.


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