package tezt-tezos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Spawn smart-contract rollup nodes and control them.

This module follows the same conventions as in Node. We write sc node to refer to smart-contract rollup node.

type t

Smart contract rollup node states.

type purpose =
  1. | Operating
  2. | Batching
  3. | Cementing
  4. | Recovering
type operation_kind =
  1. | Publish
  2. | Add_messages
  3. | Cement
  4. | Timeout
  5. | Refute
  6. | Recover
  7. | Execute_outbox_message
type mode =
  1. | Batcher
  2. | Custom of operation_kind list
  3. | Maintenance
  4. | Observer
  5. | Operator
  6. | Accuser
  7. | Bailout
type history_mode =
  1. | Archive
  2. | Full
type argument =
  1. | Data_dir of string
  2. | Rpc_addr of string
  3. | Rpc_port of int
  4. | Log_kernel_debug
  5. | Log_kernel_debug_file of string
  6. | Metrics_addr of string
  7. | Injector_attempts of int
  8. | Boot_sector_file of string
  9. | Dac_observer of Dac_node.t
  10. | Loser_mode of string
  11. | No_degraded
  12. | Gc_frequency of int
  13. | History_mode of history_mode
  14. | Dal_node of Dal_node.t
  15. | Mode of mode
  16. | Rollup of string
  17. | Pre_images_endpoint of string
  18. | Apply_unsafe_patches

Octez smart rollup node command-line arguments.

type event = {
  1. name : string;
  2. value : Tezt_wrapper.JSON.t;
  3. timestamp : float;
val mode_of_string : string -> mode

Returns the associated mode, fails if the mode is not valid.

val string_of_history_mode : history_mode -> string

Returns the string representation of an history mode.

val create : ?runner:Tezt_wrapper.Runner.t -> ?path:string -> ?name:string -> ?color:Tezt_wrapper.Log.Color.t -> ?data_dir:string -> base_dir:string -> ?event_pipe:string -> ?metrics_addr:string -> ?metrics_port:int -> ?rpc_host:string -> ?rpc_port:int -> ?operators:(purpose * string) list -> ?default_operator:string -> ?dal_node:Dal_node.t -> ?loser_mode:string -> ?allow_degraded:bool -> ?gc_frequency:int -> ?history_mode:history_mode -> ?password_file:string -> mode -> Node.t -> t

Create a smart contract rollup node.

A smart contract rollup node is associated to a tezos node passed as argument.

The standard output and standard error output of the sc node will be logged with prefix name and color color.

Default data_dir is a temporary directory which is always the same for each name.

dal_node is a node node from the data availability layer the rollup should be connected to.

Default event_pipe is a temporary file whose name is derived from name. It will be created as a named pipe so that sc node events can be received.

Default values for net_port or rpc_port are chosen automatically with values starting from 17384 (configurable with `--starting-port`). They are used by config_init and by functions from the Client module. They are not used by run, so if you do not call config_init or generate the configuration file through some other means, your sc node will not listen.

history_mode is full by default to make the rollup runs the GC, and the gc_frequency is 1 by default to make it runs on every occasion during tests.

val create_with_endpoint : ?runner:Tezt_wrapper.Runner.t -> ?path:string -> ?name:string -> ?color:Tezt_wrapper.Log.Color.t -> ?data_dir:string -> base_dir:string -> ?event_pipe:string -> ?metrics_addr:string -> ?metrics_port:int -> ?rpc_host:string -> ?rpc_port:int -> ?operators:(purpose * string) list -> ?default_operator:string -> ?dal_node:Dal_node.t -> ?loser_mode:string -> ?allow_degraded:bool -> ?gc_frequency:int -> ?history_mode:history_mode -> ?password_file:string -> mode -> Client.endpoint -> t

Do not assume we are running the rollup node against a local octez node.

val write_in_stdin : t -> string -> unit Lwt.t

write_in_stdin rollup_node str write str into the stdin of the rollup node process.

val name : t -> string

Get the name of an sc node.

Get the color of the logs of a smart rollup node.

val rpc_host : t -> string

Get the RPC host given as --rpc-addr to an sc node.

val rpc_port : t -> int

Get the RPC port given as --rpc-addr to an sc node.

val endpoint : t -> string

Return the endpoint of the sc node, i.e., http://rpc_host:rpc_port.

val data_dir : t -> string

Get the data-dir of an sc node.

val base_dir : t -> string

Get the base-dir of an sc node

val metrics : t -> string * int

Get the metrics address and port of a node.

val string_of_purpose : purpose -> string
val check_error : ?exit_code:int -> ?msg:Tezt_wrapper.Base.rex -> t -> unit Lwt.t

Wait until an sc node terminates and check its status.

If the sc node is not running, or if the process returns an exit code which is not exit_code, or if msg does not match the stderr output, fail the test.

If exit_code is not specified, any non-zero code is accepted. If no msg is given, the stderr is ignored.

val run : ?legacy:bool -> ?restart:bool -> ?mode:mode -> ?event_level:Daemon.Level.default_level -> ?event_sections_levels:(string * Daemon.Level.level) list -> ?wait_ready:bool -> ?password_file:string -> t -> string -> argument list -> unit Lwt.t

run ?event_level ?event_sections_levels ?loser_mode ?allow_degraded ?wait_ready node rollup_address arguments launches the given smart contract rollup node for the rollup at rollup_address with the given extra arguments. event_level and event_sections_levels allow to select which events we want the node to emit (see Daemon). legacy (by default false) must be set if we want to use the legacy run command of the node (which requires a config file to exist). If wait_ready is false, tezt does not wait for the node to be ready. If restart is true, it will stop and restart the node if it is already running.

Wait until a node terminates and return its status. If the node is not running, make the test fail.

val process : t -> Tezt_wrapper.Process.t option

Returns None if node is already terminated or returns the node process if it still running.

val terminate : ?timeout:float -> t -> unit Lwt.t

Send SIGTERM and wait for the process to terminate.

Default timeout is 30 seconds, after which SIGKILL is sent.

val kill : t -> unit Lwt.t

Send SIGKILL and wait for the process to terminate.

val config_init : ?force:bool -> t -> string -> string Lwt.t

Initialize the rollup node configuration file with octez-sc-rollup-node-alpha config init. Returns the name of the resulting configuration file.

val spawn_config_init : ?force:bool -> t -> string -> Tezt_wrapper.Process.t

Initialize the rollup node configuration file with octez-sc-rollup-node-alpha config init and return the corresponding process.

module Config_file : sig ... end

Sc node configuration files.

val wait_for_ready : t -> unit Lwt.t

Wait until the sc node is ready.

More precisely, wait until a node_is_ready event occurs. If such an event already occurred, return immediately.

val wait_for_level : ?timeout:float -> t -> int -> int Lwt.t

Wait until the layer 1 of the sc node is synchronized with some given tezos level.

More precisely, wait until a new_head event with a large enough level occurs. If such an event already occurred, return immediately.

If timeout is provided, stop waiting if timeout seconds have passed.

val unsafe_wait_sync : ?timeout:float -> t -> int Lwt.t

Unbounded variant of wait_for_sync. Do not use in a Tezt tests, as it has been proven time and again that it is a source of waste of CI time when a test is buggy or flaky.

This variant of wait_for_sync should not be used in sandboxes, as it has been witnessed time and time again that these tests are more subject to race conditions when setting up rollup infrastructure. On open testnets like weeklynet and dailynet, this does not happen because of the large block time.

val wait_sync : t -> timeout:float -> int Lwt.t

Wait until the layer 1 of the sc node is synchronized with its underlying l1 node.

val wait_for : ?where:string -> t -> string -> (Tezt_wrapper.JSON.t -> 'a option) -> 'a Lwt.t

wait_for ?where sc_node event_name filter waits for the SCORU node sc_node to emit an event named name (usually this is the name the event is declared with, concatenated with ".v0"). wait_for continues to wait until an event which satisfies the filter (i.e. for which the function returns Some _) is produced, in which case the result of the filter is returned. where, if present, should describe the constraint that filter applies.

val on_event : t -> (event -> unit) -> unit

Add a callback to be called whenever the daemon emits an event.

val change_node_and_restart : ?event_level:Daemon.Level.default_level -> t -> string -> Node.t -> unit Lwt.t

Stops the rollup node and restart it, connected to another Tezos Layer 1 node.

val change_node_mode : t -> mode -> t

Change the rollup mode. This does not terminate nor restart the node. Change will take effect when the node is run/restart.

val dump_durable_storage : sc_rollup_node:t -> dump:string -> ?block:string -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

dump_durable_storage ~sc_rollup_node ~dump ?string () writes to dump the current state of the WASM PVM from sc_rollup_node.

val export_snapshot : ?compress_on_the_fly:bool -> ?compact:bool -> t -> string -> string Runnable.process

export_snapshot ?compress_on_the_fly ?compact rollup_node dir creates a snapshot of the rollup node in directory dir.

val import_snapshot : ?force:bool -> t -> snapshot_file:string -> unit Runnable.process

import_snapshot ?force rollup_node ~snapshot_file imports the snapshot snapshot_file in the rollup node rollup_node.

val as_rpc_endpoint : t -> Endpoint.t

Expose the RPC server address of this node as a foreign endpoint.

module RPC : RPC_core.CALLERS with type uri_provider := t

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