package virtual_dom_toplayer

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This library contains vdom utils for creating and positioning popovers, tooltips, and modals.

It is intended for authors of UI component libraries. You'll probably want to set some custom atts for borders/padding/style, possibly provide an `arrow` element, and offer a slightly simpler API for users of your UI component library.

popover is intended to be used through the bonsai_web_ui_popover library.

Note that the DOM for all popovers will be placed outside of the app root. If you want global event listeners (including keyboard shortcuts) to work inside popovers, they should be set via Vdom.Attr.Global_listeners. Similarly, global styles should be set using the :root pseudo-class, and Inline_css.Private.Dynamic.attr.

The optional arrow argument allows automatically positioning an "arrow" element to point towards the center of the floating element's anchor.

Arrows will be automatically placed along the correct edge of the floating element, and rotated so that the "top" of the provided arrow points towards the anchor.

val tooltip : ?position:Position.t -> ?alignment:Alignment.t -> ?offset:Offset.t -> ?show_delay:Core.Time_ns.Span.t -> ?hide_grace_period:Core.Time_ns.Span.t -> ?hoverable_inside:bool -> ?arrow:Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Attr.t

Returns an attr which, when attached to a Vdom node, will create a tooltip attached to that node. The tooltip will open/close on hover in/out, subject to show_delay and hide_grace_period. If hoverable_inside is set, the tooltip will not disappear if the cursor is moved inside it within hide_grace_period.

val popover : ?position:Position.t -> ?alignment:Alignment.t -> ?offset:Offset.t -> ?arrow:Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Attr.t

Returns an attr which, when attached to a Vdom node, will create a popover positioned relative to that node. The popover's visibility should be controlled by attaching / detaching the attr to/from the anchor; the browser-level `showPopover()` and `hidePopover()` functions should not be used. This allows us to own the state controlling popover visibility.

val popover_custom : ?position:Position.t -> ?alignment:Alignment.t -> ?offset:Offset.t -> ?arrow:Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t -> popover_content:Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t -> Anchor.t -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t

Returns an vdom node which will position an always-open DOM popover element relative to some anchor, which could e.g. be constructed from some Dom element, or a virtual bounding box.


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