package tezos-shell-services

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type chain = [
  1. | `Main
  2. | `Test
  3. | `Hash of Tezos_crypto.Chain_id.t
type chain_prefix = unit * chain
val chain_path : (unit, chain_prefix) Tezos_rpc.RPC_path.t
val parse_chain : string -> (chain, string) result
val chain_to_string : chain -> string
val chain_arg : chain Tezos_rpc.RPC_arg.t
type block = [
  1. | `Genesis
  2. | `Head of int
  3. | `Alias of [ `Caboose | `Checkpoint | `Save_point ] * int
  4. | `Hash of Tezos_crypto.Block_hash.t * int
  5. | `Level of Int32.t
val parse_block : string -> (block, string) result
val to_string : block -> string
type prefix = (unit * chain) * block
val mempool_path : ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.RPC_path.t -> ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.RPC_path.t
val live_blocks_path : ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.RPC_path.t -> ('a, 'b) Tezos_rpc.RPC_path.t
type operation_list_quota = {
  1. max_size : int;
  2. max_op : int option;
type raw_context =
  1. | Key of Bytes.t

    A leaf, containing a value

  2. | Dir of raw_context Tezos_stdlib.TzString.Map.t

    A directory, mapping keys to nested raw_contexts

  3. | Cut

    An omitted piece, because it is too deep compared to the maximum depth requested in the /chains/<chain_id>/blocks/<block_id/context/raw/bytes RPC


The low-level storage exposed as a tree

val pp_raw_context : Format.formatter -> raw_context -> unit
type Tezos_base__TzPervasives.error +=
  1. | Invalid_depth_arg of int
module type PROTO = sig ... end
type protocols = {
  1. current_protocol : Tezos_crypto.Protocol_hash.t;
  2. next_protocol : Tezos_crypto.Protocol_hash.t;
val protocols : Tezos_rpc.RPC_context.simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block -> unit -> (protocols, Tezos_error_monad.TzCore.error list) result Lwt.t
module Make (Proto : PROTO) (Next_proto : PROTO) : sig ... end
module Empty : sig ... end

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