package sexplib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

S-expressions annotated with relative source positions and comments

module Make (Pos : sig ... end) : sig ... end

parsing produces absolute positions

include Make(Src_pos.Relative).S
type t =
  1. | Atom of Src_pos.Relative.t * string * string option
  2. | List of Src_pos.Relative.t * t_or_comment list * Src_pos.Relative.t

S-expressions annotated with relative source positions and comments

and t_or_comment =
  1. | Sexp of t
  2. | Comment of comment
and comment =
  1. | Plain_comment of Src_pos.Relative.t * string
  2. | Sexp_comment of Src_pos.Relative.t * comment list * t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Type.t
val sexp_of_comment : comment -> Type.t
val sexp_of_t_or_comment : t_or_comment -> Type.t
val relativize : Parsed.t_or_comment -> t_or_comment

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