OCaml Workshop 2021

Held virtually

The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop brings together the OCaml community, including users of OCaml in industry, academia, hobbyists and the free software community.

OCaml 2021 will be a virtual workshop, co-located with ICFP 2021.

20 May 2021
Abstract submission deadline
18 Jul 2021
Author notification
27 Aug 2021
OCaml Workshop

All Presentations

Title Authors Resources
25 Years of OCaml Xavier Leroy
A Multiverse of Glorious Documentation Lucas Pluvinage, Jonathan Ludlam
Adapting the OCaml Ecosystem for Multicore OCaml Sudha Parimala, Enguerrand Decorne, Sadiq Jaffer, Tom Kelly, KC Sivaramakrishnan
Binary Analysis Platform (BAP). Using Universal Algebra and Tagless-Final Style for Developing Representation-Agnostic Frameworks Ivan Gotovchits, David Brumley
Continuous Benchmarking for OCaml Projects Gargi Sharma, Rizo Isrof, Magnus Skjegstad
Deductive Verification of Realistic OCaml Code Carlos Pinto, Mário Pereira, Simão Melo de Sousa
Digodoc and Docs Mohamed Hernouf, Fabrice Le Fessant, Thomas Blanc, Louis Gesbert
Experiences with Effects Thomas Leonard, Craig Ferguson, Patrick Ferris, Sadiq Jaffer, Tom Kelly, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Anil Madhavapeddy
From 2n+1 to n Nandor Licker, Timothy M. Jones
GopCaml: A Structural Editor for OCaml Kiran Gopinathan
Leveraging Formal Specifications to Generate Fuzzing Suites Nicolas Osborne, Clément Pascutto
Love: a readable language interpreted by a blockchain Steven de Oliveira, David Declerck
OCaml and Python: Getting the Best of Both Worlds Laurent Mazare
Opam-bin: Binary Packages with Opam Fabrice Le Fessant
Parafuzz: Coverage-guided Property Fuzzing for Multicore OCaml programs Sumit Padhiyar, Adharsh Kamath, KC Sivaramakrishnan
Probabilistic resource limits, or: Programming with interrupts in OCaml Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni
Property-Based Testing for OCaml through Coq Paaras Bhandari, Leonidas Lampropoulos
Safe Protocol Updates via Propositional Logic Michael O'Connor
Semgrep, a fast, lightweight, polyglot, static analysis tool to find bugs Yoann Padioleau
Wibbily Wobbly Timey Camly Di Long Li, Gabriel Radanne

Workshop Details

Organising Committee
Frédéric Bour (Tarides, France)
Program Committee
Frédéric Bour (Tarides, France), Mehdi Bouaziz (Nomadic Labs, France), Simon Castellan (INRIA, France), Youyou Cong (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Kate Deplaix (OCaml Labs, UK), Jun Furuse (DaiLambda, Japan), Joris Giovannangeli (Ahrefs Research), Kihong Heo (KAIST, South Korea), Hugo Heuzard (Jane Street), Vaivaswatha Nagaraj (Zilliqa Research, India), Hakjoo Oh (Korea University), Jonathan Protzenko (Microsoft Research Redmond, USA), Cristina Rosu (Jane Street), Jeffrey A. Scofield (Psellos), Ryohei Tokuda (Idein)

Some Videos

25 Years of OCaml
A Multiverse of Glorious Documentation
Adapting the OCaml Ecosystem for Multicore OCaml
Binary Analysis Platform (BAP). Using Universal Algebra and Tagless-Final Style for Developing Representation-Agnostic Frameworks
Continuous Benchmarking for OCaml Projects
Deductive Verification of Realistic OCaml Code