Update on Typeful Normalization by Evaluation

In October, I publicized here a new draft on normalization by evaluation, which provoked some very helpful comments and constructive criticisms. Together with Chantal and Olivier, we thus revised t…

14 Feb 2014

Matthias Puech

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Fourth OCaml compiler hacking session

11 Feb 2014

OCaml Labs compiler hacking

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Cmdliner 0.9.4

09 Feb 2014

Daniel Bünzli

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OCamlPro Highlights: Dec 2013 & Jan 2014

Here is a short report of some of our activities in last December and January ! A New Intel Backend for ocamlopt With the support of LexiFi, we started working on a new Intel backend for the ocamlopt native code compiler. Currently, there are four Intel backends in ocamlopt: amd64/emit.mlp, amd64/em...

05 Feb 2014


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How to handle success

04 Feb 2014

OCaml Labs compiler hacking

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OPAM 1.1.1 released

We are proud to announce that OPAM 1.1.1 has just been released. This minor release features mostly stability and UI/doc improvements over OPAM 1.1.0, but also focuses on improving the API and tools to be a better base for the platform (functions for opam-doc, interface with tools like opamfu and op...

29 Jan 2014


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When QuickCheck Fails Me

08 Jan 2014

Erik de Castro Lopo

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