package JsOfOCairo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Library to reuse Cairo-based drawing code in web browsers


Dune Dependency







*JsOfOCairo* is an OCaml (4.02.2+) library to reuse Cairo-based drawing code in web browsers.
It's an adapter, implementing (a reasonable subset of) the interface of `Cairo OCaml <>`_
targeting HTML5 canvas elements as exposed to OCaml by `js_of_ocaml <>`_ (2.8+).

It's licensed under the `MIT license <>`_.
It's available on `OPAM <>`_.
Its `source code <>`_ is on GitHub.

Here is `DrawGrammar <>`_, a real-life aplication of JsOfOCairo.

There is no real documentation besides this README.rst file.
If a function is present in JsOfOCairo, it should behave as described in the `Cairo OCaml Tutorial <>`__.
Have a look at the `interface file <>`_ to know which functions *are* implemented.
You can also have a look at the `test file <>`_ to see if what you're looking for is implemented and tested.

Questions? Remarks? Bugs? Want to contribute? `Open an issue <>`__!

.. image::

.. image::

.. image::

.. image::

Quick start

Install from OPAM::

    $ opam install JsOfOCairo

The files described below are available as a `demo directory <>`_.
Have a look at this directory for the details about compiling.
In particular see the `jbuild file <>`_
and the `call to jbuilder <>`_.

Create a functor implementing your drawing code against the ``JsOfOCairo.S`` signature.
File ````::

    module Make(C: JsOfOCairo.S) = struct
      let draw ctx =
        C.arc ctx ~x:50. ~y:50. ~r:40. ~a1:0. ~a2:5.;
        C.stroke ctx

Instantiate this functor with ``Cairo`` to create a command-line program.
File ````::

    module Drawings = Drawings.Make(Cairo)

    let () = begin
      let image = Cairo.Image.create Cairo.Image.ARGB32 ~width:100 ~height:100 in
      Drawings.draw (Cairo.create image);
      Cairo.PNG.write image "draw_on_command_line.png";

Instantiate the same functor with ``JsOfOCairo`` and compile it using js_of_ocaml to create a Javascript file.
File ````::

    module Drawings = Drawings.Make(JsOfOCairo)

    let () = Js.export "draw" (fun canvas ->
      Drawings.draw (JsOfOCairo.create canvas)

And call this javascript file in an HTML document.
File ``draw_in_browser.html``::

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

      <title>JsOfOCairo demo</title>
      <h1>PNG image from command-line</h1>
      <img src="draw_on_command_line.png" />
      <h1>HTML5 canvas</h1>
      <canvas id="drawings" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
      <script src="_build/default/draw_in_browser.bc.js"></script>

What is **not** implemented

Contributions in this area are welcome.
Please `start a discussion <>`_ before doing anything to avoid wasting time.

Only a basic subset of functions related to text has been implemented.
The HTML5 canvas interface doesn't expose much, so this library contains approximations of some Cairo functions like ``get_text_extents``.

Everything involving a ``Surface.t`` has been dismissed.
This doesn't make much sense in an HTML5 context.
An attempt has been made to implement ``set_source_for_image`` using a hidden canvas but it's been unsuccessful.

A few other functions commented out at the beginning of
`JsOfOCairo_S.mli <>`_ have been dismissed as well.