package OSCADml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Build scad models with well-typed dimensional system (3d / 2d) aware functions mapping down onto the similarly named operations made available by the OpenSCAD language.

OpenSCAD objects and the operations upon them are represented by the recursive type t, which can then finally be translated into a scad script. As this transpiles down to OpenSCAD, the User Manual can be referred to for additional information about most of the functions (and examples of output) made available here.

type scad

The scad type is kept abstract, as the available constructor functions provide much less cumbersome means of building up models.

type ('dim, 'space, 'rot, 'affine) t

This GADT allows scads to be tagged as 2D or 3D, restricting usage of functions that should only apply to one or the other, and preventing mixing during boolean operations.

  • The 'space parameter can be V2.t or V3.t, corresponding to dimensions over which the scad can be transformed.
  • The 'rot parameter corresponds to the axes rotation available to the scad. For 2d shapes, this is a float representing z-axis rotation, and for 3d shapes, xyz axes are available through V3.t.
  • The 'affine parameter can be Affine2.t or Affine3.t, specifying the affine transformation matrix to use for the affine function (which maps down to multmatrix in OpenSCAD).
type d2 = ([ `D2 ], OCADml.V2.t, float, OCADml.Affine2.t) t

Two-dimensional shape

type d3 = ([ `D3 ], OCADml.V3.t, OCADml.V3.t, OCADml.Affine3.t) t

Three-dimensional shape

A note on special facet parameters

The optional parameters ?fa, ?fs, and ?fn correspond to the OpenSCAD "special parameters" governing the number of facets used to generate arcs ($fa, $fs, and $fn respectively). Where present, they govern the following:

  • ?fa is the minimum angle for a fragment. Note that this should be given in radians here (as opposed to degrees in the OpenSCAD language). Default is pi /. 15. radians (12°).
  • ?fs is the minimum size/length of a fragment. Even if ?fa is given, and very small, this parameter will limit how small the generated fragments can be (default = 2.).
  • ?fn will set the absolute number of fragments to be used (causing the previous two parameters to be ignored if non-zero).

3d shape primitives

val cube : ?center:bool -> OCADml.V3.t -> d3

cube ?center dimensions

Creates a cube in the first octant, with the given xyz dimensions. When center is true, the cube is centered on the origin.

val sphere : ?fa:float -> ?fs:float -> ?fn:int -> float -> d3

sphere ?fa ?fs ?fn radius

Creates a sphere with given radius at the origin of the coordinate system.

val cylinder : ?center:bool -> ?fa:float -> ?fs:float -> ?fn:int -> height:float -> float -> d3

cylinder ?center ?fa ?fs ?fn ~height radius

Creates a cylinder centered about the z axis. When center is true, it will also be centered vertically, otherwise the base will sit upon the XY plane.

val cone : ?center:bool -> ?fa:float -> ?fs:float -> ?fn:int -> height:float -> float -> float -> d3

cone ?center ?fa ?fs ?fn ~height r1 r2

Creates a cone (using the cylinder primitive) with bottom radius r1 and top radius r2.

val polyhedron : ?convexity:int -> OCADml.V3.t list -> int list list -> d3

polyhedron points faces

A polyhedron is the most general 3D primitive solid. It can be used to create any regular or irregular shape including those with concave as well as convex features. Curved surfaces are approximated by a series of flat

The V3.t list of coordinate points represents the vertices of the shape. How these points define the surface of the generated shape is specified by the faces (0-based) index lists. Each element of faces should define a face in the same order (from the perspective of viewing the drawn shape from the outside, OpenSCAD prefers clockwise ordering) face using the points at the indices in points. These may be defined in any order, as long as enough are provided to fully enclose the shape.

The optional ?convexity parameter specifies the maximum number of faces a ray intersecting the object might penetrate. This parameter is needed only for correct display of the object in OpenCSG preview mode. It has no effect on the polyhedron rendering. For display problems, setting it to 10 should work fine for most cases.

If you are having trouble, please see the debugging polyhedra section of the OpenSCAD user manual.

val empty3 : d3

An empty 3d non-shape (union of nothing).

2d shape primitives

val square : ?center:bool -> OCADml.V2.t -> d2

square ?center dimensions

Creates a square or rectangle in the first quadrant, with given xyz dimensions. When ?center is true the square is centered on the origin.

val circle : ?fa:float -> ?fs:float -> ?fn:int -> float -> d2

circle ?fa ?fs ?fn radius

Creates a circle with given radius at the origin.

val polygon : ?convexity:int -> ?paths:int list list -> OCADml.V2.t list -> d2

polygon ?convexity ?paths points

Creates a multiple sided shape from a list of xy points. If ?paths is not specified, then all points will be used in the order that they appear. A single path list specifies the order to traverse the points to draw the outline of the polygon. Any additional lists of indices will describe secondary shapes to be subtracted from the first. In this way, holes can be placed in the shape without a subsequent boolean difference operation.

For information on the ?convexity, please see the documentation for polyhedron.

val text : ?size:float -> ?font:string -> ?halign:Text.h_align -> ?valign:Text.v_align -> ?spacing:float -> ?direction:Text.direction -> ?language:string -> ?script:string -> ?fn:int -> string -> d2

text ?size ?font ?halign ?valign ?spacing ?direction ?language ?script ?fn str

Creates 2D geometric text object with contents str, using a named font installed on the local system or provided as a separate font file.

  • ?size specifies the ascent (height above baseline). Default is 10.
  • ?font is the name of the font that should be used. This is not the name of the font file, but the logical font name (internally handled by the fontconfig library).
  • ?halign and ?valign set the horizontal and vertical alignments of the text. Defaults are Left and Baseline respectively.
  • ?spacing gives a factor by which to increase/decrease the character spacing. A value of 1.0 would result in normal spacing.
  • ?direction sets the text flow. Default is LeftToRight.
  • ?language sets the language of the text. Default is "en".
  • ?script sets the script of the text. Default is "latin".
val empty2 : d2

An empty 2d non-shape (union of nothing).

Basic Transformations

These functions can be applied to both 2d and 3d shapes. Relevant vector and rotational parameters are tied to the dimensionality of the input shape, preventing transformations that could result in 2d shapes escaping the xy plane. e.g. Translation vectors of 2d shapes are given as V2.t, and rotation is given as a single float angle about the z-axis.

val translate : 's -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

translate p t

Moves t along the vector p.

val xtrans : float -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

xtrans x t

Moves t by the distance x along the x-axis.

val ytrans : float -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

ytrans y t

Moves t by the distance y along the y-axis.

val ztrans : float -> d3 -> d3

ztrans z t

Moves the 3d shape t by the distance z along the z-axis.

val rotate : ?about:'s -> 'r -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

rotate ?about r t

Performs an Euler rotation (zyx) if operating in 3d ((r : V3.t) (t : d3)), otherwise ((r : float) (t : d2)), a single rotation around the z-axis is performed. If it is provided, rotations are performed around the point about, otherwise rotation is about the origin. Angle(s) r are in radians.

val xrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> d3 -> d3

xrot ?about r t

Rotate the 3d shape t around the x-axis through the origin (or the point about if provided) by r (in radians).

val yrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> d3 -> d3

yrot ?about r t

Rotate the 3d shape t around the y-axis through the origin (or the point about if provided) by r (in radians).

val zrot : ?about:'s -> float -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

zrot ?about r t

Rotate the shape t (2d or 3d) around the z-axis through the origin (or the point about if provided) by r (in radians). For 2d shapes, this is equivalent to rotate.

val affine : 'a -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

affine mat t

Transforms the geometry t with the given affine transformation matrix mat (Affine2.t for 2d, Affine3.t for 3d shapes) via the multmatrix operation in OpenSCAD.

val mirror : 's -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

mirror ax t

Mirrors t on a plane through the origin, defined by the normal vector ax.

val scale : 's -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

scale factors t

Scales t by the given factors in xyz.

val xscale : float -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

xscale s t

Scales t by the factor s in the x-dimension.

val yscale : float -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

yscale s t

Scales t by the factor s in the y-dimension.

val zscale : float -> d3 -> d3

zscale s t

Scales t by the factor s in the z-dimension.

val resize : 's -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

resize dimensions t

Adjusts the size of t to match the given dimensions.

val color : ?alpha:float -> Color.t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

color ?alpha color t

Displays t with the specified color and ?alpha value. This is only used for the F5 preview as CGAL and STL (F6, render) do not currently support color. Defaults to opaque (alpha = 1.0).

val render : ?convexity:int -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

render ?convexity t

Forces OpenSCAD to render and cache the mesh produced by the given t. This can help to speed up previewing (F5) when the cached shape is used many times. Note that this does however remove any colouration applied previously with color, or resulting from boolean operations such as difference. Output rendering (F6) performance is unaffected.

3d Only Transformations

Each of these transformations cannot be restricted to the 2-dimensional xy plane, thus they are restricted to 3d shapes.

val axis_rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> float -> d3 -> d3

axis_rotate ?about ax r t

Rotates t about the arbitrary axis ax through the origin (or the point about if provided) by the angle r (in radians).

val quaternion : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.Quaternion.t -> d3 -> d3

quaternion ?about q t

Applys the quaternion rotation q around the origin (or the point about if provided) to t.

2d Only Transformations

val offset : ?mode:[ `Delta | `Radius | `Chamfer ] -> float -> d2 -> d2

offset ?mode d t

Generates a new 2D interior or exterior outline shifted a distance d from the original 2d shape t. The mode governs how d is used to create the new corners (default = `Delta).

  • `Delta will create a new outline whose sides are a fixed distance d (+ve out, -ve in) from the original outline.
  • `Chamfer fixed distance offset by d as with delta, but with corners chamfered.
  • `Radius creates a new outline as if a circle of some radius d is rotated around the exterior (d > 0) or interior (d < 0) original outline.

Helpful diagrams of what each of these offset styles and chamfering look like can be found here.

Boolean Combination

Perform boolean operations between shapes of the same dimension (non-mixing of 2d and 3d shapes is enforced by the the GADT t. Note that the polymorphic versions of union, minkowski, hull, and intersection, throw exceptions when the input list is empty. If empty list inputs are expected, then use the appropriate 2 or 3 variant.

val union : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t list -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

union ts

Creates the union/sum (logical or) ts. Throws an exception if ts is empty, use union2 or union3 if you would like empty unions to pass silently.

Note: It is mandatory for all unions, explicit or implicit, that external faces to be merged not be coincident. Failure to follow this rule results in a design with undefined behavior, and can result in a render which is not manifold (with zero volume portions, or portions inside out), which typically leads to a warning and sometimes removal of a portion of the design from the rendered output. (This can also result in flickering effects during the preview.) This requirement is not a bug, but an intrinsic property of floating point comparisons and the fundamental inability to exactly represent irrational numbers such as those resulting from most rotations.

The solution to this is to use a small value called an epsilon when merging adjacent faces to guarantee that they overlap, like so:

let scad =
  let eps = 0.01 in
  let p = { x = 1. -. eps; y = 0.; z = 0. } in
  union [ cube { x = 1.; y = 1.; z = 1. }
        ; translate p (cube { x = 2. +. eps; y = 2.; z = 2. })
val union2 : d2 list -> d2
val union3 : d3 list -> d3
val add : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

add a b

Union the shapes a and b. Equivalent to union [a; b].

val difference : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t list -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

difference t sub

Subracts the shapes of sub from t (logical and not).

Note: It is mandatory that surfaces that are to be removed by a difference operation have an overlap, and that the negative piece being removed extends fully outside of the volume it is removing that surface from. Failure to follow this rule can cause preview artifacts and can result in non-manifold render warnings or the removal of pieces from the render output. See the description above in union for why this is required and an example of how to do this by this using a small epsilon value.

val sub : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

sub a b

Subtract the shape b from a. Equivalent to difference a [b].

val intersection : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t list -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

intersection ts

Creates an in intersection of ts. This keeps the overlapping portion (logical and). Only the area which is common or shared by all shapes are retained. Throws an exception if ts is empty, use intersection2 or intersection3 if you would like empty intersections to pass silently.

val intersection2 : d2 list -> d2
val intersection3 : d3 list -> d3
val minkowski : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t list -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

minkowski ts

Displays the minkowski sum of ts. Throws an exception if ts is empty, use minkowski2 or minkowski3 if you would like empty minkowski sums to pass silently.

val minkowski2 : d2 list -> d2
val minkowski3 : d3 list -> d3
val hull : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t list -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

hull ts

Displays the convex hull of ts. Throws an exception if ts is empty, use hull2 or hull3 if you would like empty hulls to pass silently.

val hull2 : d2 list -> d2
val hull3 : d3 list -> d3

3d to 2d

val projection : ?cut:bool -> d3 -> d2

projection ?cut t

Project a 3D model t to the XY plane, resulting in an infinitely thin 2D shape, which can then be extruded back into 3D, or rendered and exported as a .dxf. If ?cut is true, only points with z=0 (a slice of t where it intersects with the XY plane) are considered. When ?cut is false (the default when not specified), then points above and below the XY plane will be considered in forming the projection.

2d to 3d extrusions

val extrude : ?height:float -> ?center:bool -> ?convexity:int -> ?twist:int -> ?slices:int -> ?scale:OCADml.V2.t -> ?fn:int -> d2 -> d3

extrude ?height ?center ?convexity ?twist ?slices ?scale ?fn t

Takes a 2D object t, and extrudes it upwards from the XY plane to ?height. If ?center is true, the resulting 3D object is centered around the XY plane, rather than resting on top of it.

  • ?twist rotates the shape by the specified angle as it is extruded upwards
  • ?slices specifies the number of intermediate points along the Z axis of the extrusion. By default this increases with the value of ?twist, though manual refinement my improve results.
  • ?scale expands or contracts the shape in X and Y as it is extruded upward. Default is (1., 1.), no scaling.
  • ?convexity: see polyhedron documentation.
val revolve : ?angle:float -> ?convexity:int -> ?fa:float -> ?fs:float -> ?fn:int -> d2 -> d3

revolve ?angle ?convexity ?fa ?fs ?fn t

Spins a 2D shape t around the Z-axis in an arc of ?angle (default = 2π) to form a solid which has rotational symmetry. Since t is actually 2D (and does not really exist in Z), it is more like it is spun around the Y-axis to form the solid, which is then placed so that its axis of rotation lies along the Z-axis. For this reason, t must lie completely on either the right (recommended) or the left side of the Y-axis. Further explanation and examples can be found here.

External (non-SCAD) Format Import

val import2 : ?layer:string -> ?convexity:int -> string -> d2

import2 ?dxf_layer ?convexity file

Imports a file for use in the current OpenSCAD model. The file extension is used to determine which type. If file is a .dxf, ?dxf_layer can be used to indicate a specific layer for import. Throws exception if the extension does not match (case insensitive) one of the following 2D formats:

  • DXF
  • SVG (Requires version 2019.05 of OpenSCAD)
val import3 : ?convexity:int -> string -> d3

import3 ?convexity file

Imports file for use in the current OpenSCAD model. The file extension is used to determine which type. Throws exception if the extension does not match (case insensitive) one of the following 3D formats:

  • STL (both ASCII and Binary)
  • OFF
  • AMF (Requires version 2019.05 of OpenSCAD)
  • 3MF (Requires version 2019.05 of OpenSCAD)
val surface : ?convexity:int -> ?center:bool -> ?invert:bool -> string -> d3

surface ?convexity ?center ?invert file

Read heightmap information from a text (with .dat extension) or image (.png only) file into a 3D shape. When ?center is true the imported surface is centered on the origin, otherwise it will be placed in the positive quadrant (like square).

  • .dat format: a matrix of numbers (delimited by spaces or tabs) that represent the height for a specific point. Rows are mapped to the y-axis, columns to the x-axis. Empty lines and those that begin with # are ignored.
  • .png format: alpha channel information of the image is ignored, and the height for each pixel is deterimend by converting the colour value to grayscale using the linear luminance for the sRGB colour space.

    let y = 0.2126 *. r +. 0.7152 *. g +. 0.0722 *. b

    The greyscale values are scaled to be in the range of 0 to 100. Setting invert to true inverts the translation of colour to height values (defaults to false, and has no effect on text .dat files)

Further explanation and examples can be found here.

Lifting from OCADml

val of_path2 : ?convexity:int -> OCADml.Path2.t -> d2

of_path2 ?convexity path

Create a 2d shape enclosed by path by way of polygon.

val of_poly2 : ?convexity:int -> OCADml.Poly2.t -> d2

of_poly2 ?convexity poly

Create a 2d shape with the outer and inner (hole) paths of poly by way of polygon.

val of_poly3 : ?convexity:int -> OCADml.Poly3.t -> d3

of_poly3 ?convexity poly

Create an unclosed (non-manifold) 3d shape/face with the outer and inner (hole) paths the (assumed) planar poly. This will appear in preview, but will not render.

val of_mesh : ?convexity:int -> OCADml.Mesh.t -> d3

of_mesh ?convexity mesh

Create a 3d shape from the points and faces of mesh by way of polyhedron.


val to_string : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> string

to_string t

Convert the scad t to a string in the OpenSCAD language.

val to_file : ?incl:bool -> string -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> unit

to_file ?incl path t

Write the scad t to a file at the given path, as an OpenSCAD script (using to_string). If incl is true (default = false), then an additional file (prefixed with "incl_") is produced and included into the script at path. This trick can be helpful to avoid sluggishness associated with loading large scripts into the OpenSCAD editor.

val export : string -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> (unit, string) result

export path t

Export the scad t to a file at the given path, in a format dictated by the extension of path. If export through OpenSCAD fails, an error containing captured Stderr output from OpenSCAD is returned (usually CGAL errors). Compatible extensions:

  • 2D: .dxf, .svg, .csg
  • 3D: .stl, .off, .amf, .3mf, .csg, .wrl
val snapshot : ?render:bool -> ?colorscheme:Export.colorscheme -> ?projection:Export.projection -> ?size:(int * int) -> ? -> string -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> (unit, string) result

snapshot ?render ?colorscheme ?projection ?size ?camera path t

Save an image (PNG only at this time) of size pixels (default = (500, 500)) to path of the scad t using the OpenSCAD CLI. By default, the camera is positioned automatically to point at the centre of the object, and far enough away such for it to all be in frame. See and its Export.gimbal and Export.eye constructors for details on manual control. If export fails, an error containing captured Stderr output from OpenSCAD is returned (usually CGAL errors).

  • if render is true, the object will be rendered before the snapshot is taken, otherwise preview mode is used (default = false).
  • projection sets the view style as in the GUI (default = Perspective)
  • colorscheme selects the OpenSCAD colour palette (default = Cornfield)

Infix Operators

val (|>>) : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> 's -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

t |>> p

Infix translate

val (|@>) : ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t -> 'r -> ('d, 's, 'r, 'a) t

t |@> r

Infix rotate


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