package anders
Dune Dependency
CCHM homotopy system type checker based on Mini-TT for OCaml.
Fibrant MLTT-style ΠΣ primitives with Leibniz equality in 500 LOC
Cofibrant CHM-style I primitives with pretypes hierarchy Vₙ in 500 LOC
Parser in 50 LOC
Lexer in 50 LOC
Full Agda-style UTF-8 support including universe levels
Lean comma-syntax for ΠΣ
1D syntax with top-level declarations
Groupoid Infinity CCHM base library:
Best suited for academic papers
Here is example for Ubuntu:
$ apt install ocaml ocamlbuild menhir
You can find some examples in the experiments
directory. For instance reality checking by internalizing MLTT can be performed by the following usage:
def MLTT (A: U) : U := Σ
(Π-form : Π (B : A → U), U) -- Pi Type
(Π-ctor₁ : Π (B : A → U), Pi A B → Pi A B)
(Π-elim₁ : Π (B : A → U), Pi A B → Pi A B)
(Π-comp₁ : Π (B : A → U) (a : A) (f : Pi A B), Equ (B a) (Π-elim₁ B (Π-ctor₁ B f) a) (f a))
(Π-comp₂ : Π (B : A → U) (a : A) (f : Pi A B), Equ (Pi A B) f (λ (x : A), f x))
(Σ-form : Π (B : A → U), U) -- Sigma Type
(Σ-ctor₁ : Π (B : A → U) (a : A) (b : B a), Sigma A B)
(Σ-elim₁ : Π (B : A → U) (_ : Sigma A B), A)
(Σ-elim₂ : Π (B : A → U) (x : Sigma A B), B (pr₁ A B x))
(Σ-comp₁ : Π (B : A → U) (a : A) (b: B a), Equ A a (Σ-elim₁ B (Σ-ctor₁ B a b)))
(Σ-comp₂ : Π (B : A → U) (a : A) (b: B a), Equ (B a) b (Σ-elim₂ B (a, b)))
(Σ-comp₃ : Π (B : A → U) (p : Sigma A B), Equ (Sigma A B) p (pr₁ A B p, pr₂ A B p))
(=-form : Π (a : A), A → U) -- Identity Type
(=-ctor₁ : Π (a : A), Equ A a a)
(=-elim₁ : Π (a : A) (C: D A) (d: C a a (=-ctor₁ a)) (y: A) (p: Equ A a y), C a y p)
(=-comp₁ : Π (a : A) (C: D A) (d: C a a (=-ctor₁ a)),
Equ (C a a (=-ctor₁ a)) d (=-elim₁ a C d a (=-ctor₁ a))),
def instance (A : U) : MLTT A :=
(Pi A, lambda A, app A, comp₁ A, comp₂ A,
Sigma A, pair A, pr₁ A, pr₂ A, comp₃ A, comp₄ A, comp₅ A,
Equ A, refl A, J A, comp₆ A, A)
$ ocamlbuild -use-menhir -yaccflag "--explain" anders.native
$ ./anders.native girard check experiments/mltt.anders
Anders was built by strictly following these publications:
A simple type-theoretic language: Mini-TT [Coquand, Kinoshita, Nordström, Takeyama]
Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom [Cohen, Coquand, Huber, Mörtberg]
On Higher Inductive Types in Cubical Type Theory [Coquand, Huber, Mörtberg]
Canonicity and homotopy canonicity for cubical type theory [Coquand, Huber, Sattler]
Cubical Synthetic Homotopy Theory [Mörtberg, Pujet]
Unifying Cubical Models of Univalent Type Theory [Cavallo, Mörtberg, Swan]
Cubical Agda: A Dependently Typed PL with Univalence and HITs [Vezzosi, Mörtberg, Abel]
Gluing for type theory [Kaposi, Huber, Sattler]
Univalent People
Siegmentation Fault