package archetype

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module PT = ParseTree
module T = Michelson
exception TypeEntrypointNotFound of string
type error_desc =
  1. | TypeNotCompatible of T.type_ * PT.expr
val pp_error_desc : Core.Format.formatter -> error_desc -> unit
type error = Location.t * error_desc
val emit_error : (Location.t * error_desc) -> int -> 'a
val string_to_ttype : ?entrypoint:Tools.String.t -> string -> T.type_
val to_model_expr : PT.expr ->
val extract_from_micheline : Tools.String.t -> T.obj_micheline -> T.obj_micheline
val show_entries : T.obj_micheline -> string
val to_micheline : string -> unit

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